Sweet MYTH-tery of Life by Robert Asprin

My other reaction was far less predictable. Maybe it was because I had been thinking so much about women and marriage lately, but, while watching her demonstrating her shape shifting skills, it popped into my head that she would be an interesting wife. I mean, think of it: a woman who could assume any size, shape, or personality at will! It would certainly ease the fears of being bored living with one woman for the rest of your life.

“Very impressive,” I said, forcing my previous train of thought to a halt. “Tell me, have you ever considered a career in modeling?”

Daphnie’s eyes narrowed for a moment, then her face relaxed again.

“I’ll assume that was meant as a compliment. Right?” she said.

That one had me really confused.

“Of course,” I said. “Why? Isn’t it?”

“I’m so attractive, I could make a living at it. Is that what you were thinking?”

“Well . . . Yes. Even though when you put it that way, it does sound a little dubious.”

“You don’t know the half of it,” the Djeanie said, rolling her eyes.

“Look, Skeeve. I tried that game once . , . and you’re right, I can do it and there’s good money in it. It’s what goes with it that’s a pain.”

“I don’t understand,” I admitted.

“First of all, even though the job may look glamorous from the outside, it isn’t. It’s long hours in uncomfortable conditions, you know? I mean, it’s fun for most people to go to the beach, but try sitting in the same spot for six hours while waves break over you so the jerk photographer can get ‘just the right look and -lighting’ . . . and even then more often than not they don’t use the shot.”

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