Sweet MYTH-tery of Life by Robert Asprin

She didn’t seem very impressed. If anything, it was as if she was more interested in asking questions about Kalvin than in learning about me, a situation I found slightly annoying.

“Oh, it wasn’t all that long ago,” I said. “Just a couple weeks back, in fact. Of course, time doesn’t advance at the same rate on all the dimensions … as I’m sure you know.”

“True,” she said, thoughtfully. “Tell me, did he say he was going straight back to Dijinger? Or was he going to stop somewhere along the way, first?”

“Let me think. As I recall, he didn’t . . . Wait a minute. Didn’t he make it back to Djinger? I thought you said that he was the one who told you to look me up.”

I was both concerned and confused. If Daphnie was looking for Kalvin, then how had she found out about me? I didn’t know any other Djins . . . or anyone who traveled to Djinger on a regular basis.

“Oh, he made it back all right,” she shrugged. “I was just a little curious about …”

There was a soft BAMF, and a second Djin materialized in the room. This one I recognized immediately as Kalvin, who I had just been speaking to Daphnie about. I could tell at a glance, though, that something was wrong.

Chapter Fifteen:

“Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall take flack from both sides.”


I HAD GOTTEN to know Kalvin pretty well during my trip to Perv, and all through that adventure he had been as unshakable in a crisis as anyone I had ever known. Now, however, he was exhibiting all the classic symptoms of someone who was about to lose control of his temper . . . clenched teeth, furrowed brow, tight expression, the works.

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