Sweet MYTH-tery of Life by Robert Asprin

“Will you excuse us, my dear? I’d like to have a word with Lord Skeeve.”

Massha glanced back and forth between the General and me, then shrugged.

“Sure thing, Hugh. Gods know I’ve got enough to keep me busy for a while. Catch you later, Hot Shot.”

The General closed the door behind her, then stood regarding me for several moments. Then he came over to where I was standing and placed both of his hands on my shoulders.

“Lord Skeeve,” he said. “May I be permitted the privilege of speaking to you, of treating you for a few moments as if you were my own son … or a man under my command in the Army?”

“Certainly, General,” I said, genuinely touched.

“Fine,” he smiled. “Turn around.”

“Excuse me?”

“I said ‘Turn around.’ Face in the other direction, if you will.”

Puzzled, I turned my back on him and waited.

Suddenly, something slammed into my rear end, propelling me forward with such force that I nearly fell, saving myself only by catching my weight with my hands and one knee.

I was shocked.

Incredible as it seemed, I had every reason to believe the General had just kicked me in the rump!

“You kicked me!” I said, still not quite believing it.

“That’s right,” Badaxe said calmly. “Frankly, it’s long overdue. I had considered hitting you over the head, but it seems that lately your brains are located at the other end.”

Grudgingly, I began to believe it.

“But why?” I demanded.

“Because, Lord Skeeve, with all respect and courtesies due your station and rank, it is my studied opinion that you’ve been acting like the north end of a south-bound horse.”

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