Sweet MYTH-tery of Life by Robert Asprin

“Just not quite charming enough to settle down with, eh?” she smiled. “Well, let me know when you have some leisure time on your hands, and maybe we can explore some alternatives together.”

That really took me aback.

“Ahh . . . certainly, Your Majesty. In the meantime, however, I fear it’s nearly time for my colleagues and I to take our leave of Possiltum. From what Grimble tells me, the kingdom is nearly back on solid financial footing, and there are pressing matters which require our attention elsewhere.”

“Of course,” she said, rising to her feet. “Go with my personal gratitude, as well as the fees you so richly deserve. I’ll be in touch.”

I was so uncomfortable about the reference to our fees, that I was nearly to the door before her last comment sank in.

“Umm . . . Your Majesty?” I said, turning back to her. “One more thing. Next time you need me, could you just write a note like everyone else instead of sending me a finger? It was a bit unnerving when it arrived.”

“No problem,” she said. “By the way, could I have the finger back? If nothing else, I’d like to have the ring to remember Roddie by.”

“I thought you had it.” I frowned. “I haven’t seen it since our conversation when I first got back here.”

“Hmm … I wonder where it’s gotten to. Oh well, I’ll put the maids to work looking for it. If you happen to come across it in your things, be a dear and send it back to me?”

“Certainly, Your Majesty. Goodbye.”

With that, I gave her my deepest bow and left.

Chapter Twenty:

“Meanwhile, back at reality …”

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