Sweet MYTH-tery of Life by Robert Asprin

She started to say something, then turned her head as sounds of an argument erupted through the closed door.

“What’s that?”

“I don’t know,” I admitted. “Guido and Nunzio said they were going to keep everybody out for a while. Maybe someone …”

The door burst open, and Queen Hemlock stood framed in the entryway. Behind her my bodyguards stood, and as they caught my eye gave exaggerated shrugs. Apparently royalty was harder to stop than your average assassin … a thought that did little to cheer me realizing some of the rumors surrounding the current matriarch of Possiltum.

“There you are, Skeevie,” the Queen exclaimed striding into my room. “I was looking all over for you when I saw those thugs of yours loitering about outside and . . . Who’s this?”

“Your Majesty, this is Bunny. Bunny, this is Queen Hemlock.”

“Your Majesty,” Bunny said, sinking into a deep bow.

It occurred to me that as worldly as she was in some ways, Bunny had never met a member of royalty before, and seemed to be quite awed by the experience.

Queen Hemlock, on the other hand, was not at all overawed by meeting another commoner.

“Why Skeeve! She’s lovely!” she said, cupping Bunny’s chin in her hand and raising her head to view her face. “I was starting to wonder a bit about you, what with that monstrous apprentice of yours, not to mention that lizard thing you brought back with you from wherever, but this . . . It’s nice to know you can find a yummy morsel when you set your mind to it.”

“Bunny’s my administrative assistant.” I said, a bit stiffly.

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