Sweet MYTH-tery of Life by Robert Asprin

“Why of course!” the Queen smiled, giving me a broad wink. “Just like my young men are bodyguards … on the kingdom budget, anyway.”

“Please, Your Majesty, don’t misunderstand,” Bunny said. “Skeeve and I are really just …”

“There there, my dear,” Hemlock interrupted, taking Bunny by the hands and drawing her to her feet. “There’s no need to worry about me being jealous. I wouldn’t dream of interfering in Skeeve’s personal life before or after we’re married, any more than I’d expect him to interfere in mine. As long as he does the heir thing to keep the rabble happy, it doesn’t really matter to me what he does with the rest of his time.”

I really didn’t like the way this conversation was going, and hastened to change the subject.

“You said you were looking for me, Your Majesty?”

“Oh yes,” the Queen said, releasing her hold on Bunny’s hands. “I wanted to tell you that Grimble was waiting to see you at your earliest convenience. I told him that you’d be giving him a hand straightening out the kingdom’s finances, and he’s ready to give you whatever information or assistance you need.

Somehow, that didn’t sound like the J. R. Grimble I knew, but I let it slide for the moment.

“Very well. We’ll be along presently.”

“Of course.” The Queen smiled, winking at me again. “Well, I’ll just be running along then.”

As she reached the door, she paused to sweep Bunny once more with a lingering gaze. “Charming,” she said. “You really are to be congratulated, Skeeve.”

There was an uncomfortable silence after the Queen left. Finally, I cleared my throat.

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