Sweet MYTH-tery of Life by Robert Asprin

[* I’ll give you this one . . . Luca Paccioli — inventor of double-entry accounting, “Father of Bookkeeping”—R.L.A.]

“Lord Skeeve!” he exclaimed, seizing my hand and pumping it enthusiastically. “So good to have you back. And Aahz! Couldn’t stay away, eh?” He gave a playful wink at my partner. “Just kidding. Glad to see you again, too.”

“Have you been drinking, Grimble?” Aahz said bluntly.

In all honestly, I had been wondering the same thing myself, but had been at a loss as to how to ask the question diplomatically. Fortunately, my partner’s characteristic tactlessness came to my rescue.

“Drinking?” the Chancellor blinked. “Why, no. Why do you ask?”

“You seem a lot more cheerful than normal, is all. As a matter of fact, I don’t recall your ever being happy to see either of us before.”

“Now now, let’s let bygones be bygones, shall we? Though I’ll admit we’ve had our differences in the past, we’re going to be working together now . . . and frankly, gentlemen, I can’t think of anyone I’d rather have in my corner during our current financial crisis. I never felt at liberty to admit it before, but I’ve always secretly admired your skills when it came to manipulating monies.”

“Uh . . . thanks, Grimble,” I said, still unsure of exactly how to take his new attitude.

“And who do we have here?”

He turned his attention to Bunny, devouring her with his eyes like a toad edging up on a moth.

I suddenly recalled that Aahz and I had first become embroiled in the workings of Possiltum after Grimble had picked Tananda up in a singles bar. It also occurred to me that I didn’t like Grimble much.

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