Sweet MYTH-tery of Life by Robert Asprin

“It seems that the current financial crisis hasn’t caused many cutbacks in your operation,” Aahz said dryly.

“Of course not.” Grimble replied easily. “That’s only to be expected.”

“How’s that?” I said.

“Well, Lord Skeeve,” the Chancellor smiled, “you’ll find that accountants are pretty much like vultures … we thrive when things are worse for other people. You see, when a kingdom or company is doing well, no one wants to be bothered with budgets, much less cost savings. As long as there’s money in the coffers, they’re happy. On the other hand, when the operation is on the skids, such as is currently the case with Possiltum, then everyone wants answers … or miracles . . . and it’s up to us irritating beancounters to provide them. More analysis means more man-hours, which in turn means a larger staff and expanded facilities.”

“Charming.” Aahz growled, but Grimble ignored him.

“So,” he said, rubbing his hands together like a blow-fly, “what would you like to address first? Perhaps we could discuss our overall approach and strategy over lunch?”

“Umm . . .”I said intelligently.

The horrible truth was that, now that I was actually confronted by Grimble and his paper mountains, I didn’t have the foggiest notion of how to proceed.

“Actually, Grimble,” Bunny said stepping forward, “before we think about lunch, I’d like to see your Operating Plan for the current year, the calendarized version, as well as the P and L’s and Financial Statements for the last few months . . . oh yes, and your Cash Flow Analysis, both the projections and the actuals, if you don’t mind.”

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