Sweet MYTH-tery of Life by Robert Asprin

“The problem is,” Grimble said, picking up the thread of her oration, “the citizens are extremely un-cooperative when it comes to taxes. They fight us every inch of the way in admitting how much they owe, and when it comes to actually paying their tax bill . . . well, the variety of excuses they invent would be amusing, if we weren’t going bankrupt waiting for them to settle their accounts.”

“I can’t argue with them there,” Aahz smirked.

“It’s the duty of every citizen to pay their fair share of the cost of running the kingdom through taxes,” the Chancellor said testily.

“And it’s the right of every individual to pay the lowest possible amount of taxes they can justify legally,” my partner shot back.

For a moment, it sounded like old times, with Aahz and Grimble going head to head. Unfortunately, this time, we all had bigger fish to fry.

“Check me on this,” I said, holding up a hand to silence them. “What if we see if we can kill two birds with one stone?”

“How’s that?” Grimble frowned.

“Well, first, we implement your suggestion of reducing the army by attrition . . . maybe hurrying it along a little by offering shortened enlistments for anyone who wanted out early …”

“That might help,” the Chancellor nodded, “but I don’t see …”

“And,” I continued quickly, “convert a portion of those remaining in the service into tax collectors. That way they can be helping to raise the cash necessary to cover their own pay.”

Grimble and Bunny looked at each other.

“That might work,” Grimble said, thoughtfully.

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