Sweet MYTH-tery of Life by Robert Asprin

However the events of the day weren’t over yet.

There was a knock at the door, but this time I wasn’t going to get caught making any assumptions.

“Who is it?” I called.

“General Badaxe,” came the muffled response. “I was wondering if you could spare me a moment?”

I was more than a little surprised. The General and I had never been on particularly good terms, and it was rare if ever that he called on me in my personal quarters. Casting about for an explanation, it occurred to me that he was probably more than a little upset at the cutbacks I had made in the army and military budget. In the same thought, it occurred to me that he might be out to murder me in my own room … or, at least, mess me up a little. As fast as the idea surfaced, however, I discarded it. Whatever else the General was, he was as straightforward and non-scheming as anyone I had ever met. If he meant to do me harm, it would doubtless be on the spur of the moment when we encountered each other in the halls or courtyard of the castle . . . not by stealth in my room. In short, I felt I could rule out premeditated mayhem. If he were going to kill me, it would be spontaneous … a thought that didn’t settle my mind as much as I hoped it would.

“Come in,” I called . . . and he did.

It was, indeed, the General of Possiltum’s army, and without his namesake massive axe, for a change. Not that it’s absence made him notice ably less dangerous, mind you, as Badaxe was easily the largest man I had ever met. Upon viewing him, however, I was a bit embarrassed by my original worries. Rather than the stern, angry countenance I was accustomed to, he seemed very ill at ease and uncomfortable.

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