Sweet MYTH-tery of Life by Robert Asprin

She suddenly stared at me, her eye’s widening.

“Oh, no,” she gasped. “You don’t mean you’re . . .”

I held my credit card up in front of her so she could read the name on it, then favored her with my widest smile.

“Oh no!” she shrieked, loud enough to draw attention from the neighboring tables. “You’re him!!! Why didn’t you tell me!!”

“You never asked,” I shrugged. “Actually, I thought that Vic …”

But by that time, I was speaking to her back … or, to be more specific, her rump. She was on her feet calling triumphantly to the other patrons.

“Hey, everybody! You know who this is! This is SKEEVE THE GREAT!!!”

Now, at different times, various people have tried to tell me that I was building a rep through the dimensions. Most recently, Bunny had brought it up when explaining how she set the prices for the services of M.Y.T.H. Inc. I guess I was sort of aware of it, and had even kind of accepted it, but for the most part I didn’t really see where it made any difference in my normal day to day life. Sitting in The Wooden Stake in the dimension of Limbo, however, was not part of my normal day to day life . . . and neither was the reaction of the crowd when it learned who r was.

At first, heads turned, then drew together in whispered conversation as the whole room stared at me as if I had grown another head.

“I hope I didn’t embarrass you, Skeeve . . . can I call you Skeeve? . . . but I’m just so excited.” Cassandra was back in her seat, focusing all her attention on me. “Imagine, me out on a date with the Great Skeeve!”

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