Sweet MYTH-tery of Life by Robert Asprin

That had an intriguing sound to it, but just then someone else started tugging on my sleeve.

“Excuse me, Mr. Skeeve,” said an awesome set of teeth from a point too close to focus on. “I was wondering if I might interview you sometime at your convenience?”

“Well . . . I’m kind of busy right now, “I hedged, trying to lean back far enough to get a better look at my questioner . . . which unfortunately pressed the back of my head up against one of the party girls.

“Oh, I don’t mean now,” the teeth said, matching my retreat with a move forward so I still couldn’t see what or who was talking. “If you can stop by our table over there later, we’ll set up an appointment. I’ll have a drink waiting for you . . . Bloody Mary, right?”

“Right. I mean, okay. But . . .”

But by that time the person was gone. I only hoped that they’d recognize me if I got into the general vicinity. Right now, my attention was caught by the fact that whoever I was pressing backward against was now pressing forward against the back of my head … far too insistently for it to be an accident.

“Say, Skeeve,” Cassandra said, giving me an excuse to break contact, which I took, pausing only to take a gulp of my drink before I leaned toward her.

“Yes, Cassandra?”

“If you don’t mind, can we head out of here after you finish your drink? There are a couple other places I’d like to hit tonight . . . you know, to show you off a little?”

“No problem.” I said, “but it might take a while.”

Somehow, during the last flurry of discussions, my two drinks had multiplied into four.

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