Sweet MYTH-tery of Life by Robert Asprin

“Oh, I’m in no hurry.” she said, giving me a quick kiss. “I know you’ve got to deal with some of these people now that they know who you are. It goes with the notoriety. It may be old hat to you, but I’m having a blast!”

To say the least, it wasn’t old hat to me. Maybe if it was, I would have handled it better.

I remember signing my name a lot … and some more drinks being delivered . . . and kissing Cassandra . . . and, I think, another club . . . or two other clubs . . . and more drinks . . .

Chapter Ten:

“Happiness is defined by one’s capacity for enjoyment.”


OPENING MY EYES, I suffered a brief moment of disorientation, then things started swimming into focus.

I was in my room … in my own bed, to be specific, though the covers seemed to be twisted and disheveled. I was naked under the covers, though I had no recollection of getting undressed. I assumed it was morning, as there was sunlight streaming through the window. In short, everything looked normal.

So why did I feel there was something wrong?

I was lying on my side, and I realized my sinuses had flooded, making it impossible to breathe out of the nostril on the “downhill” side. In an effort to alleviate this situation, I rolled over and . . .

It hit me!!!

A pounding headache … a nauseous stomach . . . the works!

There had been times in the past when I had gotten sick, but nothing like this! At first I was afraid I was going to die. Then I was afraid I’d live. Misery such as I was feeling should have a finite end.

Groaning slightly and burrowing into my pillow, I tried to gather my thoughts.

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