Terry Pratchett – Interesting Times

‘Lunch, dinner and breakfast?’

‘It’s a little . . . unfair, isn’t it? Those people look a bit bewildered.’

Cohen sneered the sneer of a man who has never been truly imprisoned even when he’s been locked up.

‘I freed ’em,’ he said. ‘First time they’ve ever been free. Comes as a bit of a shock, I expect. They’re waiting for someone to tell ’em what to do next.’

‘Er . . .’

‘I could tell ’em to starve to death, if you like.’

‘Er . . .’

‘Oh, all right. You lot! Formee uppee right now toot sweet chop chop!’

The small crowd hurried over to Cohen and stood expectantly behind his horse.

‘I tell you, I don’t regret it. This is the land of opportunity,’ said Cohen, urging the horse into a trot. The embarrassed free men jogged behind. ‘Know what? Swords are banned. No-one except the army, the nobles and the Imperial Guard are allowed to own weapons. Couldn’t believe it! Gods’ own truth, though. Swords are outlawed, so only outlaws have swords. And that,’ said Cohen, giving the landscape another glittering grin, ‘suits me fine.’

‘But. . . you were in chains . . .’ Rincewind ventured.

‘Glad you reminded me,’ said Cohen. ‘Yeah. We’ll find the rest of the lads, then I’d better try and find who did it and talk to them about that.’

The tone of his voice suggested very clearly that all they were likely to say would be, ‘Highly enjoyable! Your wife is a big hippo!’


‘No future in one-man barbarianing,’ said Cohen. ‘Got myself a . . . Well, you’ll see.’

Rincewind turned to look at the trailing party, and at the snow, and at Cohen.

‘Er. Do you know where Hunghung is?’

‘Yeah. It’s the boss city. We’re on our way. Sort of. It’s under siege right now.’

‘Siege? You mean like . . . lots of armies outside, everyone inside eating rats, that sort of thing?’

‘Yeah, but this is the Counterweight Continent, see, so it’s a polite siege. Well, I call it a siege . . . The old Emperor’s dying, so the big families are all waiting to move in. That’s how it goes in these parts. There’s five different top nobs and they’re all watching one another, and no-one’s going to be the first to move. You’ve got to think sideways to understand anything in this place.’


‘Yes, lad?’

‘What the hell’s going on?’

Lord Hong was watching the tea ceremony. It took three hours, but you couldn’t hurry a good cuppa.

He was also playing chess, against himself. It was the only way he could find an opponent of his calibre but, currently, things were stalemated because both sides were adopting a defensive strategy which was, admittedly, brilliant.

Lord Hong sometimes wished he could have an enemy as clever as himself. Or, because Lord Hong was indeed very clever, he sometimes wished for an enemy almost as clever as himself, one perhaps given to flights of strategic genius with nevertheless the occasional fatal flaw. As it was, people were so stupid. They seldom thought more than a dozen moves ahead.

Assassination was meat and drink to the Hunghung court; in fact, meat and drink were often the means. It was a game that everyone played. It was just another kind of move. It was not considered good manners to assassinate the Emperor, of course. The correct move was to put the Emperor in a position where you had control. But moves at this level were very dangerous; happy as the warlords were to squabble amongst themselves, they could be relied upon to unite against any who looked in danger of rising above the herd. And Lord Hong had risen like bread, by making everyone else believe that, while they were the obvious candidate for the Emperorship, Lord Hong would be better than any of the alternatives.

It amused him to know that they thought he was plotting for the Imperial pearl . . .

He glanced up from the board and caught the eye of the young woman who was busy at the tea table. She blushed and looked away.

The door slid back. One of his men entered, on his knees.

‘Yes?’ said Lord Hong.

‘Er . . . O lord . . .’

Lord Hong sighed. People seldom began like this when the news was good.

‘What happened?’ he said.

‘The one they call the Great Wizard arrived, o lord. Up in the mountains. Riding on a dragon of wind. Or so they say,’ the messenger added quickly, aware of Lord Hong’s views about superstition.

‘Good. But? I assume there is a but.’

‘Er . . . one of the Barking Dogs has been lost. The new batch? That you commanded should be tested? We don’t quite . . . that is to say . . . we think Captain Three High Trees was ambushed, perhaps . . . our information is somewhat confused . . . the, um, the informant says the Great Wizard magicked it away . . .’ The messenger crouched lower.

Lord Hong merely sighed again. Magic. It had fallen out of favour in the Empire, except for the most mundane purposes. It was uncultured. It put power in the hands of people who couldn’t write a decent poem to save their lives, and sometimes hadn’t.

He believed in coincidence a lot more than he did in magic.

‘This is most vexing,’ said Lord Hong.

He stood up and took his sword off the rack. It was long and curved and had been made by the finest sword-maker in the Empire, who was Lord Hong. He’d heard it took twenty years to learn the art, so he had stretched himself a little. It had taken him three weeks. People never concentrated, that was their trouble . . .

The messenger grovelled.

‘The officer concerned has been executed?’ he said.

The messenger tried to scrabble through the floor and decided to let truth stand in for honesty.

‘Yes!’ he piped.

Lord Hong swung. There was a hiss like the fall of silk, a thump and clatter as of a coconut hitting the ground, and the tinkle of crockery.

The messenger opened his eyes. He concentrated on his neck region, fearful that the slightest movement might leave him a good deal shorter. There were dire stories about Lord Hong’s swords.

‘Oh, do get up,’ said Lord Hong. He wiped the blade carefully and replaced the sword. Then he reached across and pulled a small black bottle from the robe of the tea girl.

Uncorked, it produced a few drops that hissed when they hit the floor.

‘Really,’ said Lord Hong. ‘I wonder why people bother.’ He looked up. ‘Lord Tang or Lord McSweeney has probably stolen the Dog to vex me. Did the Wizard escape?’

‘So it seems, o lord.’

‘Good. See that harm almost comes to him. And send me another tea girl. One with a head.’

There was this to be said about Cohen. If there was no reason for him to kill you, such as you having any large amount of treasure or being between him and somewhere he wanted to get to, then he was good company. Rincewind had met him a few times before, generally while running away from something.

Cohen didn’t bother overmuch with questions. As far as Cohen was concerned, people appeared, people disappeared. After a five-year gap he’d just say, ‘Oh, it’s you.’ He never added, ‘And how are you?’ You were alive, you were upright, and beyond that he didn’t give a damn.

It was a lot warmer beyond the mountains. To Rincewind’s relief a spare horse didn’t have to be eaten because a leopardly sort of creature dropped off a tree branch and tried to disembowel Cohen.

It had a rather strong flavour.

Rincewind had eaten horse. Over the years he’d nerved himself to eat anything that couldn’t actually wriggle off his fork. But he was feeling shaken enough without eating something you could call Dobbin.

‘How did they catch you?’ he said, when they were riding again.

‘I was busy.’

‘Cohen the Barbarian? Too busy to fight?’

‘I didn’t want to upset the young lady. Couldn’t help meself. Went down to a village to pick up some news, one thing led to another, next thing a load of soldiers were all over the place like cheap armour, and I can’t fight that well with my arms shackled behind my back. Real nasty bugger in charge, face I won’t forget in a hurry. Half a dozen of us were rounded up, made to push the Barking Dog thing all the way out here, then we were chained to that tree and someone lit the bit of string and they all legged it behind a snowdrift. Except you came along and vanished it.’

‘I didn’t vanish it. Not exactly, anyway.’

Cohen leaned across towards Rincewind. ‘I reckon I know what it was,’ he said, and sat back looking pleased with himself.

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Categories: Terry Pratchett