The Anguished Dawn by James P. Hogan

“You mean a soul?”

“I’m not sure. I don’t know if people mean the same thing when they use words like that. But something that creates personalities of the right nature and in the right circumstances to undergo the experiences that it needs to learn and to grow. At least, that’s the way the Kronians I’ve talked to described it. I’m not really sure what I think, though.”

“Yes, that’s what I was getting at,” Vicki said. She wanted especially now to believe that there were good reasons why things happened the way they did; she needed to talk and hear about such things. Before she could put it into words, however, a buzz sounded, signaling that someone was at the door. Tanya touched a button on the remote lying near her.

“Yes, who is it?”

“Jan Wernstecki here. Is that Vicki?”

“Hi, Jan. No, it’s Tanya. But Vicki’s here too.” As she spoke, Tanya touched in the number to open the door.

Wernstecki came inside. “Hello,” to both. “How are you feeling, Vicki?”

“I’ll get by,” Vicki said.

“What is it?” Tanya asked.

Wernstecki looked mildly perplexed, as if at a loss to explain something. “I never believed in jinxes before,” he told them. “But you know, I’m beginning to think there’s one over this whole thing that we’re involved in. I’ve just heard it from the Bridge. Now there are communications problems with Earth. Electrical disturbances are swamping the whole region and affecting the links to both the Varuna and the Surya. They’re restricting traffic to official use only—and that’s very intermittent. The last that came in beamed at us said to hurry up with the lithoforming gear. They think maybe they’re going to need it.”

Which meant there would be nothing more coming in from Lan either—at least, for a while. Vicki’s dismay must have shown on her face. Tanya leaned forward and rested a hand lightly on her arm. “I know. Don’t let it get to you, Vicki,” she said. “Just try and believe it’s all for a reason.”

* * *

Keene and Shayle did a good job of simulating problems with the Agni’s delivery system, which they solemnly diagnosed as being due to instabilities in the plasma focusing fields. Keene concocted a line of mumbo jumbo to the effect that they would need cooperation from the engineers up on the Varuna to rectify matters, and Zeigler authorized a communications channel to be opened. But the Varuna engineers were unable to make a lot of sense out of what Keene was telling them, not the least reason being that it didn’t make any sense, and he was unable to clarify things further because Zeigler’s people insisted on monitoring the link closely.

For the same reason, it quickly became clear that he wasn’t going to gain access to anyone connected with the ship’s communications, let alone initiate any kind of outward-going message for the Aztec. So, after playing the charade through for what he judged was long enough to be convincing, he announced the problem to be magically cured and signed an engineering report to that effect, leaving the Varuna crew bemused and confused—and Zeigler’s observers, he hoped, none the wiser.

He then went out to the edge of the landing area to stand staring at the hills and brood on his own.


A bulletin put out by Zeigler’s office the following day brought the news that Dru had died from chest wounds; Erskine and one of the two Kronians involved were wounded but not critically; Ida and the other Kronian were unhurt. The four survivors of the incident were being held under arrest according to the martial law condition that had been proclaimed. By the same terms, perpetrators of further such attempts would be liable to execution by shooting automatically. Entry to the extended secure zone around the Operations and Communications Dome and its annex was not permitted without authorization; a general curfew would apply to anyone not having business outside after 22:00; and until further notice, outside gatherings of more than five persons other than for recognized work groups was prohibited. The design of a triangle pierced by a lighting flash, along with the words Together, we will build Earth again! were appended.

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Categories: Hogan, James