The Anguished Dawn by James P. Hogan

Valcroix gave a speech, broadcast throughout the ship, formally ending the Kronian Pragmatist Movement and merging it into the recently proclaimed Terran Planetary Government, and reaffirming its mission to rebuild Earth along lines of “universal merit and achievement,” instead of “the selective elevation of a few self-styled elites.” He went on to declare the Trojan “reclaimed” by the Terran administration: designed and built as a result of knowledge and technologies originated on Earth, and a small token repayment for the unstinted flow of wealth and resources that Earth had poured into the founding and nurturing of Kronia. Valcroix then announced the promotion of Colonel Nyrom to the rank of general and his new title of Commander-in-Chief of the Terran Defense Force. He handed the platform to Nyrom, who delivered a short message of acknowledgment and pledged himself to defending Earth and its citizens. Nyrom then informed the ship’s company and its complement of what had been set as Trojan’s first operational objective in the service of the new Terran government.

“The research and supply vessel Aztec left Saturn shortly before Eskimo was rerouted from Iapetus for the historic meeting we’ve just celebrated. As some of you may know, the Aztec is fitted for trials of the first ship-borne synthetic gravity generators, which will revolutionize every aspect of space travel and habitation. Aztec is also carrying the materials and startup equipment for establishing a basic mix of core industries and the technologies necessary for running them. That capability is essential to founding a viable pilot base on Earth and expanding it rapidly later.

“Our first task, now that we are able to operate as a coordinated unit, will be to overhaul, apprehend, and board the Aztec. Recognize that this is not an act of war but a legal repossession. Our aim will be to achieve occupation peacefully. Briefings and unit assignments to that end will follow. I’m counting on everyone in the Terran Defense Force that I’m now privileged to command, and Captain Walsh and his crew, to make this a clean and professional first operation in the service of Earth. Thank you.”

The senior figures then proceeded to the Captain’s Lounge for socializing and refreshments, while the Trojan’s honor guard detail returned to quarters. The transfer of personnel and materials from Eskimo continued for several hours. Then, left with only a skeleton crew, the smaller craft detached and moved away to stand five miles off while Trojan fired its main drives to accelerate toward the inner Solar System. Eskimo, its added boosters now spent, was tied to its present velocity and would follow in its own time.

* * *

It was a day later when a sergeant showed Robin into General Nyrom’s stateroom and office in the Command Module, and then left, closing the door. Robin stood formally, conscious of the gap in ranks between them—more so now that Nyrom had been elevated to General and C-in-C of the entire Terran military command. His immediate superior was Major Ulak. But life in a closed community like the Trojan’s encouraged more direct and relaxed contact, and their dealings when Nyrom was a colonel had established something of a precedent.

“At ease, Lieutenant.” Nyrom waved toward the metal-frame visitor’s chair on the opposite side of the desk. Technically, it was “lieutenant-commander,” but Nyrom wasn’t going to go through mouthing that every time.

“Thank you, sir.”

Nyrom waited until Robin had settled, resting his cap on his knee. “Has it occurred to you that the name of this vessel will very likely go down in history? Trojan is the first officially commissioned warship of the New Order that will arise on Earth. While the founding colony is still young and yet to acquire strength, its defense will rest primarily in our hands. I hope you realize the importance and the privilege of the task that places on all of us.”

“I’ll bear it in mind, sir.”

Nyrom sat back, elbows resting on the arms of his chair, and interlaced his fingers. “So what’s bothering you?”

“Oh, nothing. This isn’t a complaint. More in the line of a suggestion . . . and a request.”

“Go on.”

“It’s to do with the announcement yesterday about commandeering the Aztec.”

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Categories: Hogan, James