The Bug Wars by Robert Asprin

It was admittedly unfair criticism, but Tzu seemed insensitive to it.

“Very well, Commander. But I will again stress the importance of field expeditions at the earliest possible time. Firsthand observation will enable us to direct our research to the most promising candidates, rather than attempting to study everything and hope to find our target by random chance.”

I left her then, as there was nothing else to say on the subject. I sought out Horc, at work in the Technicians’ lab. I could have beamed contact with him; but for this discussion, I wanted personal interface.

“Is the View Screen ready yet, Horc?” I queried.

“Shortly, Commander,” he replied, not looking up from his labors. “The arm-units are complete, if you wish to distribute them.”

“I’ll see that it’s taken care of. Is the new Technician acceptable?”

“Krahn? Quite acceptable, Commander. She’ll be performing at less than peak efficiency, but that would be expected of any team member introduced at this late point in the mission.”

He continued working without pause. I hesitated, casting about for a tactful manner in which to broach the next subject. Failing to find one, I simply took the approach that was most efficient.

“If I could have your undivided attention for a moment, Horc, there is a matter I would like to discuss with you.”

“Certainly, Commander.”

He set aside his instruments and met my gaze directly. Faced by this intent focus, I was suddenly ill-at-ease.

“Horc, you lost a team member today. Situations were such at the time I was unable to have private words with you on the matter. Though perhaps excusable, this was still negligence on my part as a Commander. To correct that situation, I have now set aside time to discuss the matter. Has the incident upset you or your team in any way? Should we make allowances for recovery time?”

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