The Bug Wars by Robert Asprin

“I have been examining the reports of your first expedition, Commander. As a result, I am of the opinion the Empire is underestimating the intelligence of the Insects.”


“When you first were forced to crash land, the Leapers would not venture under the trees, yet your account of Ahk’s death specifically references the Leapers’ attacking while under cover of the forest. This in itself indicates an alarming adaptive ability. Later, however, you describe in great detail how the Leapers laid an ambush for you and your two companions. This cannot be ignored. In an amazingly short time, the Leapers had not only recognized the Tzen as an enemy, they were actively mounting countermeasures. They were not merely pursuing you on chance encounters, they were actively hunting you. Also, remember we are speaking of the Leapers, a species rated as being less intelligent than the Ants.”

He stopped, suddenly aware he was being carried away with his emotions. Composing himself, he continued.

“Based on these observations, I feel it is not a possibility, but a certainty, that as the mission progresses, we can expect increased difficulties with the Insects. For this reason, I recommend that the team be encouraged, if not required, to get as much sleep as possible…now, while they are able. We will need every Tzen operating at peak efficiency soon.”

Despite my skepticism, I was impressed by his arguments.

“I will take your recommendations under consideration, Rahk,” I said.

I was sincere in my promise, and planned to implement his plan as soon as I had consulted with my staff. Before I could, however, something occurred that forced me to change my priorities.

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