The Bug Wars by Robert Asprin

I was in conference with Horc concerning the priority of the Technicians’ assignments when I noticed something.

“Horc,” I said, interrupting his speech, “all the skimmers are here. “

“Yes, Commander.”

“But isn’t there a patrol out?”

“Yes, Commander. They declined the use of a skimmer.”


“I was not consulted in the decision.”

Breaking off the conference, I sought out Zur.

“It was the team’s decision, Commander,” he informed me. “As the destination for their patrol was less than two kilometers beyond the Defense Network, they decided to walk the distance rather than utilize the faster but less stable means of transport afforded by the skimmers.”

“Who is on the patrol?”

“Kor and Vahr, escorting Tzu.”

I approved of the use of veteran Warriors on such a mission, but still felt uneasy.

“Without a skimmer, we do not have, visual contact.”

“That is correct, Commander. I pointed this out to them, but they stood by their decision. They have, however, been keeping regular contact by booster band.”

“Contact them and confirm their status.”

“But they aren’t due to contact us for-“

“Contact them. If they complain, tell them it was on my orders.”

“Very well, Commander.”

He slipped on his booster band. I waited impatiently. I wondered if I was misusing my authority as Commander to quiet my own fears, but discarded the thought. I had learned as a Warrior not to ignore my instincts, and seldom had I experienced misgivings as strong as I experienced when I learned the patrol was out without a skimmer.

“They are not responding, Commander.”

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