The Bug Wars by Robert Asprin

“This trait is particularly advantageous, since if they begin to overpopulate the target planets, we will be able to attract them to a central point for disposal or dispersal.”

“I have a question, Zome.”

“Yes, Commander?”

“The species you describe seems to be the perfect solution to our problem. In fact, it is so perfect, I must inquire as to why it was not brought to our attention before?”

For the first time in his presentation, Zome hesitated before replying.

“Tzu does…did not like warm-bloods. She was at best reluctant to recommend spreading this species or any warm-blood through the universe. As such, she delayed reporting our findings while she searched for another alternative. She was investigating another predatory species of Insect, one outside the Coalition, when she had her encounter with the Ants.”

“What was her objection to warm-bloods?” asked Zur.

“She expressed what I believe to be a personal theory. It maintains that considering the brain-size-to-body-mass ratio, that the warm-bloods are potentially intelligent, even more intelligent than the Insects or even the Tzen. If properly directed, that intelligence could be a potential threat to the Empire. “

“Warm-bloods?” interrupted Horc. “A threat to the Empire?”

“Having insufficient data to calculate the relative intelligence of warm-blood species, much less the probability of such an occurrence, she was prone to treat all warm-bloods with equal suspicion.”

“I’m no Scientist, Zome,” Horc commented, “but I find that theory hard to accept. To challenge the Empire would require not only intelligence, but technology. To the best of my knowledge, warm-bloods are not physically able to operate machines, much less develop them.”

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