The Bug Wars by Robert Asprin

I examined the device from a distance. My exposure to the Technicians on my last assignment had reinforced my normal instincts to not touch any machinery I was not familiar with.

“Explain?” I requested.

“The Scientists have found that many of the older Tzen are unused to the silence inherent in privacy. To assist those individuals in their adaptation to the new systems, they instructed the Technicians to construct sound boxes such as this.”

He paused, and flipped a switch on the side of the box.

Immediately, faint sounds began to issue from the device. There were sounds of feet moving back and forth, tails rasping along the floor, the low murmur of voices. Intermittently, I could make out the clank and rasp of weapons being tended to.

“It is designed to emulate the sound of other Tzen,” Zur continued. “I have specifically set the sound mix to resemble a group of Warriors. Hopefully it will create a more familiar atmosphere for you to work in.”

I listened for a few moments. It did indeed sound like I was in the middle of a bay of Warriors pursuing their normal activities.

I realized that as I was listening, much of the uneasiness I had been experiencing of late was slipping away. My muscles were relaxing from unrealized tensions, and my mind was focusing better.

As my thoughts became more settled and orderly, a question occurred to me.

“Why are you doing this, Zur?”

“Although I am no longer a Scientist, I have maintained my habit of scanning the listings of theories and discoveries of the Scientists’ caste as they are made public. This particular innovation was given such a low-priority rating I was almost certain that with the pressures of your new assignment, it had escaped your notice. I therefore took it upon myself to bring it to your attention, as it could potentially ease your task.”

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