The Bug Wars by Robert Asprin

“Before we begin,” I said, “there is one point of clarification which should be communicated to you. It has now been confirmed that due to transportation timing, any Warrior accepting assignment on this Force will be exempt from the final mission against the Leapers. By the time that strike force has completed its mission and returned to the colony ship, our own force will have finished its preparations for the upcoming campaign and be well on its way to its Target Planet. If any of you wish to withdraw your acceptance of position in this strike force so that you might be included in the final Leaper assault, you should do so at this time. Even though your participation in that assault would negate your rejoining our specific strike force, there would be positions available in the Planetary strike forces which would be forming and training after our departure.”

I paused to give them opportunity to speak.

The five team leaders waited impassively for me to continue. Zur was right again. I had been sure we would lose at least one to the final Leaper assault.

“Very well,” I said at last. “I, Rahm, as Planetary Commander duly confirmed and authorized by the High Command, formally confirm the acceptance of appointment to the position of strike team Commander of Heem, Tur-Kam, Zah-Rah, Kah-Tu, and Raht.”

As I spoke, the team leaders looked at each other in mild appraisal. This was the first time they had heard the names of their fellow staff members.

“Zur has accepted appointment as my second-in-command and Commander of the reserve force,” I continued. “In event of my absence or incapacitation, he will assume full command of the force until the High Command appoints a successor.”

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