The Bug Wars by Robert Asprin

The docking process interrupted my thoughts. We departed the shuttlecraft without exchanging words with the pilot. As I have noted before, exchanges between members of different castes are rare except at certain rank-levels.

A Technician was waiting to receive us as we disembarked.

“I am Or-Sah,” he introduced himself. “I have been assigned to answer your questions.”

“This is Rahm,” Zur responded, “a Planetary Commander of the Warriors, here to inspect the progress on various pieces of equipment being prepared for the Ant campaign.”

I did not question why Zur did not introduce himself. Part of the reason I had him accompany me on these trips was that he was far more familiar with intercaste protocol than I.

“First,” I stated, “I would wish to inspect the new Borer units.”

“Certainly, Commander,” replied Or-ah without hesitation. “This way.”

The Borer units were an improvement on the fortification we had used in our last mission. Instead of simply burning their way into a ground-level position, the new units were fitted with telescoping walls that extended downward as a tunnel was burned to accommodate them. Although all the units were of the same general design, they had to be individually modified. As each anthill was unique, the Borers designated to each anthill had to be built to penetrate to different depths. In cases where the chosen path for the Borer intersected existing Ant tunnels, ledges and firing slots had to be added to enable the Warriors to defend the tunnel from assault.

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