The Bug Wars by Robert Asprin

“The Technicians have every confidence in the Energy-Drain units.”

“Have they been live-tested?” I asked.

“The Warriors’ caste vetoed any live testing,” Or-Sah retorted. “The reasoning given was that if the units were successful, it would give the Ants forewarning and provide them with time to develop a countermeasure.”

I noticed that now it was Or-Sah who was lowering his head. I considered his position, and found his anger justified. It would be irritating to be forbidden to test a piece of equipment, then have to answer complaints that it was untested…particularly when both the veto and the challenge came from members of the same caste.

“Perhaps,” I suggested, “you could provide me additional information as to the nature of the Energy-Drain units. My lack of understanding of the official releases on them is doubtless contributing to my reluctance in accepting their effectiveness.”

He seemed surprised at the request, but responded nonetheless.

“Certainly, Commander,” he began. “The xylomorphic interface utilized by the Ants-“

“Excuse me, Or-Sah,” I interrupted, “but are you familiar with a Technician named Horc?”

“Yes I am, Commander,” he replied. “I served under him on my last assignment.”

“Would you happen to know if he is available for consultation at this time?”

Or-Sah hesitated before answering.

“Horc is dead,” he said finally. “Killed in a duel with a Warrior.”

That surprised me.

“That does not seem logical,” I commented. “Warriors are currently forbidden to challenge outside their caste.”

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