The Bug Wars by Robert Asprin

“Commander,” she began at last, “among my fellow caste members, I am considered old and knowledgeable. Yet I have only vague knowledge of life in the Black Swamps, and would have to go to the data tapes to obtain information of the War against the Day Swimmers you reference so easily.”

“There is no doubt my veteran’s status played a major role in my candidacy, if that is your point,” I prompted impatiently.

“More than that, Commander. It means your attitudes were shaped and set in a period completely alien to today’s Warrior’s.”

“Scientist,” I said, “are you questioning my qualifications as a Commander of the Warriors’ caste?”

“Not at all,” she said hastily. “Hear me out, Commander. If my information is correct, the current battle plans allow for sixty-three to ninety-two percent casualties. In the early campaigns of the Empire, victory itself was uncertain. This could account for your difficulty in understanding the logic processes of the newer Hatchings.”

“Clarify?” I requested.

I was growing increasingly aware of the time being consumed in this interview. What I had hoped would be answered with a brief statement was developing into a lengthy conversation.

“The newer Hatchings enjoy a security you never had, Commander. Whereas you were taught that the Empire hung in the balance in every battle, the younger Warriors have a strong conviction the Empire will survive. As such, they are more concerned with their standing in the Empire than you ever were. This is not to say they are not aware of the importance of the upcoming campaign against the Ants. They are still Tzen and Warriors and would never knowingly participate in any activity they believed would weaken the force. However, they also have an interest in their roles after the battle, and as such are not above trying to create the best possible impression on their superiors, in this case you.”

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