The Bug Wars by Robert Asprin

“I plan to lead that team myself, Commander,” she replied.

“As you wish,” I replied. “Feel free to draw personnel from the other strike teams as you deem necessary. Any disputes as to the availability of individuals for this mission I will deal with personally.”

I swept the assemblage with my gaze. There were no lowered heads or other indications of any exception being taken to my order. That was good. Raht was an exceptional Warrior, and her loss would be noted. I did not want her sacrifice to be in vain. If that particular attack failed, it would not because another strike team leader was unwilling to release the necessary key Warriors for reassignment.

“That concludes our meeting,” I said. “Return to your teams in training now, remembering time is short before our departure. Zur, I would have a word with you.”

“Certainly, Commander.”

We waited until the others had filed out of the room.

“Zur,” I said finally, “I require your clarification of something I noticed reviewing the equipment lists being prepared for loading onto the transports. Why is it that we require two different types of shuttlecraft?”

“One is the ground-to-space shuttle such as was used to pick us up from our last mission, Commander,” Zur stated. “The other is of the type currently used between modules of the colony ship; only the ones we will be carrying will be armed as pursuit ships should the Ants attempt to escape via their spacecraft.”

“Can’t we use one kind of Shuttlecraft to fulfill both needs?” I asked.

“Not possible, Commander. The heavy armor of the ground shuttles is not compatible with the maneuverability necessary for a space shuttle pursuit ship. Besides, it has been ordered that the Technicians will pilot the ground shuttles, while the Warriors will pilot the pursuit ships.”

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