The Bug Wars by Robert Asprin

I inclined my head slightly toward the ceiling as I replied.

“Your recommendations will be taken under consideration. However, I will tell you I do not agree with your conclusions. Deep Sleep enabled our species to survive when times were lean, but I do not feel it should be resorted to here. The Longevity Serums developed by the Scientist caste virtually ensure that a Tzen will live until killed. With the overwhelming number of the Enemy present on this planet, I feel the best tactic to ensure against our being killed is to keep as many of the team conscious as possible and thereby maximize the fighting strength available at any given time.”

He listened without rancor. He had his opinions, and I had mine. There was no question of who was right or wrong. I was the team Commander, and my orders would be followed.

“Also, would you provide a list of weapons in your personal arsenal at this time?”

“My weapons consist of a bandoleer of two dozen spring-javelins, a flexi-steel whip, an acid spray belt, a telescoping knife, and dueling sticks.”

“What weapons, if any, would you be willing to make available for team use?”

He thought for a few moments.

“Any and all of them with the exception of the dueling sticks. This is, of course, assuming I would not be left weaponless, that something would either be left me or issued to replace the weapons taken.”

This was acceptable to me.

“One more question, Ahk. What are your opinions of your individual teammates?”

His answer was brisk. Apparently he had given prior thought td this question.

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