The Bug Wars by Robert Asprin

“Perhaps you are right, Commander,” he conceded. “I will readily admit that like your appreciation of the Scientists’ caste, my own appreciation of the Warrior caste, particularly their officers, has grown significantly on this mission. There have been many small things I was previously unaware of, Kor’s development as an example.”

“What about Kor’s development?”

“I assume you are aware that she now has definite opinions about each of her teammates. I assume this knowledge on your part because even if she has not reported her opinions to you, you were instrumental in her forming them.”

I raised my head to look at him severely.

“It is a characteristic that any veteran Warrior has definite opinions about his or her teammates. Many consider it vital to their own survival,” I said carefully.

“I am aware of that, Commander. That is why I specifically refer to it as development on Kor’s part. I merely suggest that she may have had outside assistance in this phase of her development which enabled her to progress much more rapidly than might normally be expected.”

“If you are observant enough to have noted that, then you have also noted that it is Ahk that she spends most of her off-duty time with,” I pointed out. “Realizing that he has more combat experience than anyone on the team including myself, I should think it obvious that if anyone is advising her in her development, it is he.”

“Agreed, Commander. However, I have also noted that you were the one who encouraged him to take an interest in Kor’s development.”

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