In that we are absolute.

We will destroy ourselves and the vaults if the world outside interferes

with us.

I, as Minister of Council, ask you to rise, Dr. McAuliff.

And turn yourself away from the Tribe of Acquaba, from this Council of

the Halidon, and face the wall. What you will hear, staring only at

stone, are voices, revealing locations and figures. As I mentioned, we

are not fools. We understand the specifics of the marketplace. But you

will not see faces, you will never know the identities of those who

speak. Only know that they go forth bearing the wealth of Acquaba.

“We dispense vast sums throughout the world, concentrating as best we

can on the areas of widespread human suffering. Pockets of famine,

displacement, futility. Untold thousands are helped daily by the

Halidon. Daily. In practical ways.

“Please rise and face the wall, Dr. McAuliff.”

Alexander got up from the block of stone and turned. For a brief

instant his eyes fell on the corpse of Acquaba. He looked away and

stared at the towering sheet of rock.

Daniel continued. “Our contributions are made without thought of

political gain or influence. They are made because we have the

concealed wealth and the commitment to make them. The lessons of


“But the world is not ready to accept our ways, Acquaba’s ways. The

global mendacity would destroy us, cause us to destroy ourselves,

perhaps. And that we cannot permit.

“So understand this, Dr. McAuliff. Beyond the certainty of your own

death, should you reveal what you know of the Tribe of Acquaba, there is

another certainty of far greater significance than your life: the work

of the Halidon will cease. That is our ultimate threat.”

One by one, the voices recited their terse statements: “Afro axis.

Ghana. Fourteen thousand bushels of grain.

Conduit: Smythe Brothers, Capetown. Barclay’s Bank.”

“Sierra Leone. Three tons of medical supplies. Conduit: Baldazi

Pharmaceuticals, Algiers. Bank of Constantine.”

“Indo-China axis. Vietnam, Mekong, Quan Tho provinces.

Radiology and laboratory personnel and supplies. Conduit: Swiss Red

Cross. Bank of America.”

“Southwest Hemisphere axis. Brazil. Rio de Janeiro.

Typhoid serum. Conduit: Surgical Salizar. Banco erceiro, Rio.”

“Northwest Hemisphere axis. West Virginia. Appalachia.

Twenty-four tons food supplies. Conduit: Atlantic Warehousing. Chase

Manhattan. New York.”

“India axis. Dacca. Refugee camps. Inoculation serums, medicals.

Conduit: International Displacement Organization. World Bank.


The voices of men and women droned on, the phrases clipped, yet somehow

gentle. It took nearly an hour, and McAuliff began to recognize that

many spoke twice, but always with different information. Nothing was


Finally there was silence.

A long period of silence. And then Alexander felt a hand on his

shoulder. He turned, and Daniel’s eyes bore in on him.

:’Do you understand?”

“Yes, I understand,” McAuliff said.

They walked across the field toward the lake. The sounds of the forest

mingled with the hum of the mountains and the crashing of the waterfall

nearly a mile to the north.

They stood on the embankment, and Alex bent down, picked up a small

stone, and threw it into the black, shining lake that reflected the

light of the moon. He looked at Daniel.

“In a way, you’re as dangerous as the rest of them. One man … with

so much … operating beyond reach. No checks, no balances. It would

be so simple for good to become evil, evil good. Malcolm said your …

term isn’t guided by a calendar.”

“It is not. I am elected for life. Only I can terminate my office.”

“And pick your successor?”

“I have influence. The Council, of course, has the final disposition.”

“Then I think you’re more dangerous.”

“I do not deny it.”

low The trip to Montego was far easier than the circuitous march from

the Martha Brae. To begin with, most of The journey was by vehicle.

Malcolm, his robes replaced by Savile Row clothing, led Alexander around

the lake to the southeast, where they were met by a runner who took them

to the base of a mountain cliff, hidden by jungle. A steel lift, whose

thick chains were concealed by mountain rocks, carried them up the

enormous precipice to a second runner, who placed them in a small tram,

which was transported by cable on a path below the skyline of the


At the end of the cable ride, a third runner took them through a series

of deep caves, identified by Malcolm as the Quick Step Grotto. He told

Alex that the Quick Step was named for seventeenth-century buccaneers

who raced from Bluefield’s Bay overland to bury treasure at the bottom

of the deep pools within the caves. The other derivationthe one many

believed to be more appropriate-was that if a traveler did not watch his

feet, he could easily slip and plummet into a crevice. Injury was

certain, death not impossible.

McAuliff stayed close to the runner, his flashlight beamed at the rocky

darkness in front of him.

Out of the caves, they proceeded through a short stretch of jungle to

the first definable road they had seen. The runner activated a portable

radio; ten minutes later a Land Rover came out of the pitch-black

hollows from the west and the runner bid them good-bye.

The rugged vehicle traveled over a crisscross pattern of back country

roads, the driver keeping his engine as quiet as possible, coasting on

descending hills, shutting off his headlights whenever they approached a

populated area. The drive lasted a half hour. They passed through the

Maroon village of Accompong and swung south several miles to a flat

stretch of grassland.

In the darkness, on the field’s edge, a small airplane was rolled out

from under a camouflage of fern and acacia. It was a two-seater

Comanche; they climbed in, and Malcolm took the controls.

“This is the only difficult leg of the trip,” he said as they taxied for

takeoff. “We must fly close to the ground to avoid interior radar.

Unfortunately, so do the garja aircraft, the drug smugglers. But we

will worry less about the authorities than we will about collision.”

Without incident, but not without sighting several garja planes, they

landed on the grounds of an outlying farm, southwest of Unity Hall. From

there it was a fifteen-minute ride into Montego Bay.

“It would arouse suspicions for us to stay in the exclusively black

section of the town. You, for your skin, me for my speech and my

clothes. And tomorrow we must have mobility the white areas.”

They drove to the Cornwall Beach Hotel and registered ten minutes apart.

Reservations had been made for adjoining but not connecting rooms.

It was two o’clock in the morning, and McAuliff fell into bed exhausted.

He had not slept in forty-eight hours. And yet, for a very long time,

sleep did not come.

He thought about so many things. The brilliant, lonely, awkward James

Ferguson and his sudden departure to the Craft Foundation. Defection,

really. Without explanation.

Alex hoped Craft was Jimbo-mon’s solution. For he would never be

trusted again.

And of the sweetly charming Jensens … up to their so-respectable

chins in the manipulations of Dunstone, Limited.

Of the “charismatic leader” Charles Whitehall, waiting to ride

“nigger-Pompey’s horse” through Victoria Park.

Whitehall was no match for the Halidon. The Tribe of Acquaba would not

tolerate him.

Nor did the lessons of Acquaba include the violence of Lawrence, the

boy-man giant … successor to Barak Moore.

Lawrence’s “revolution” would not come to pass. Not the way he

conceived it.

Alex wondered about Sam Tucker. Tuck, the gnarled rocklike force of

stability. Would Sam find what he -was looking for in Jamaica? For

surely he was looking.

But most of all McAuliff thought about Alison. Of her lovely half

-laugh and her clear blue eyes and the calm acceptance that was her

understanding. How very much he loved her.

He wondered, as his consciousness drifted into the gray, blank void that

was sleep, if they would have a life together.

After the madness.

If he was alive.

If they were alive.

He had left a wake-up call for 6:45. Quarter to twelve, London time.

Noon. For the Halidon.

The coffee arrived in seven minutes. Eight minutes to twelve. The

telephone rang three minutes later. Five minutes to noon, London time.

It was Malcolm, and he was not in his hotel room. He was at the

Associated Press Bureau, Montego Bay office, on St. James Street. He

wanted to make sure that Alex was up and had his radio on. Perhaps his

television set as well.

McAuliff had both instruments on.

Malcolm the Halidonite would call him later.

At three minutes to seven-twelve, London time-there was a rapid knocking

on his hotel door. Alexander was startled. Malcolm had said nothing

about visitors; no one knew he was in Montego Bay. He approached the



The words from the other side of the wood were spoken hesitantly, in a

deep, familiar voice.

“Is that you … McAuliff?”

And instantly Alexander understood. The symmetry, the timing was

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Categories: Robert Ludlum