THE DAIN CURSE by Dashiell Hammett

“Why didn’t you tell him about Upton? Didn’t you want him to know that you had had him traced step by step from Devil’s Island to San Francisco? Why? His southern record was a good additional hold on him, if you needed one? You didn’t want him to know you knew about Labaud and Howart and Edge?”

I didn’t give her a chance to answer any of these questions, but sailed ahead, turning my voice loose:

“Maybe Ruppert, following Upton here, got in touch with you, and you had him kill Upton, a job he was willing to do on his own hook. Probably, because he did kill him and he did come to you afterwards, and you thought it necessary to put the knife into him down in the kitchen. You didn’t know the girl, hiding in the pantry, saw you; but you did know that you were getting out of your depth. You knew that your chances of getting away with Ruppert’s murder were slim. Your house was too much in the spotlight. So you played your only out. You went to your husband with the whole story–or as much of it as could be arranged to persuade him–and got him to shoulder it for you. And then you handed him this– here at the table.

“He shielded you. He had always shielded you. You,” I thundered, my voice in fine form by now, “killed your sister Lily, his first wife, and let him take the fall for you. You went to London with him after that. Would you have gone with your sister’s murderer if you had been innocent? You had him traced here, and you came here after him, and you married him. You were the one who decided he had married the wrong sister, and you killed her.”

“She did! She did!” cried Gabrielle Leggett, trying to get up from the chair in which Collinson was holding her. “She–”

Mrs. Leggett drew herself up straight, and smiled, showing strong yellowish teeth set edge to edge. She took two steps toward the center of the room. One hand was on her hip, the other hanging loosely at her side. The housewife–Fitzstephan’s serene sane soul–was suddenly gone. This was a blonde woman whose body was rounded, not with the plumpness of contented, well-cared-for early middle age, but with the cushioned, soft-sheathed muscles of the hunting cats, whether in jungle or alley.

I picked up the pistol from the table and put it in my pocket.

“You wish to know who killed my sister?” Mrs. Leggett asked softly, speaking to me, her teeth clicking together between words, her mouth smiling, her eyes burning. “She, the dope fiend, Gabrielle–she killed her mother. She is the one he shielded.”

The girl cried out something unintelligible.

“Nonsense,” I said. “She was a baby.”

“Oh, but it is not nonsense,” the woman said. “She was nearly five, a child of five playing with a pistol that she had taken from a drawer while her mother slept. The pistol went off and Lily died. An accident, of course, but Maurice was too sensitive a soul to bear the thought of her growing up knowing that she had killed her mother. Besides, it was likely that Maurice would have been convicted in any event. It was known that he and I were intimate, that he wanted his freedom from Lily; and he was at the door of Lily’s bedroom when the shot was fired. But that was a slight matter to him: his one desire was to save the child from memory of what she had done, so her life might not be blackened by the knowledge that she had, however accidentally, killed her mother.”

What made this especially nasty was the niceness with which the woman smiled as she talked, and the care–almost fastidious–with which she selected her words, mouthing them daintily. She went on:

“Gabrielle was always, even before she became addicted to drugs, a child of, one might say, limited mentality; and so, by the time the London police had found us, we had succeeded in quite emptying her mind of the last trace of memory, that is, of this particular memory. This is, I assure you, the entire truth. She killed her mother; and her father, to use your expression, took the fall for her.”

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Categories: Hammett, Dashiel