The Daybreakers by Louis L’Amour

cattle mighty tired. After awhile Orrin stopped near me.

“Tyrel, I sure wish you and Laura cottoned to each other more’n you do.”

“If you like her, Orrin, that’s what matters. I can’t be no different than I am,

and something about her doesn’t ring true. Orrin, the way I see it, you’d always

play second fiddle to her old man.”

“That’s not true,” He said, but there wasn’t much force in it.

After awhile we met again and stopped together. “Ma’s not getting younger,” he

said, “and we’ve been gone a year.”

A coyote made talk to the stars, but nothing else seemed to be stirring.

“If we sell this herd we’ll have more money than any Sackett ever heard of, and

I figure we should buy ourselves an outfit and start ranching. Then we ought to

get some book learning. Especially you, Orrin. You could make a name for


Orrin’s thoughts were afar off for a minute or two, gathering dreams somewhere

along tomorrow’s road. “I’ve had it in mind,” he said finally.

“You’ve a talking way with you, Orrin. You could be governor.”

“I haven’t the book learning.”

“Davy Crockett went to Congress. Andrew Johnson was taught to read and write by

his wife. I figure we can get the book learning. Hell, man, if youngsters can

learn we should be able to throw it and hog-tie it. I figure you should study

law. You’ve got a winning way with that Welsh tongue of yours.”

We drove through Dodge on to Abilene, and that town had spread itself all over

the prairie, with saloons side by each, all of them going twenty-four hours to

the day, and packed most of the time.

Everywhere a man looked around the town there were herds of Texas cattle. “We

came to the wrong market,” Cap said dourly, “we should have sold out in Dodge.”

We swung the herd into a tight circle and saw several riders coming toward us.

Two of them looked like buyers and the other two looked like trouble. Orrin did

his talking to the first two, Charlie English and Rosie Rosenbaum. Rosenbaum was

a stocky man with mild blue eyes, and I could tell by the way he was sizing up

our cattle that he knew beef.

“How many head have you got?” he asked Orrin.

“Seven hundred and forty, as of last night,” Orrin said, “and we want a fast


The other two had been studying our herd and sizing us up.

“I should think you would,” one of them said, “those are stolen cattle.”

Orrin just looked at him. “My name is Orrin Sackett, and I never stole anything

in my life.” He paused. “And I never had anything stolen from me, either.”

The man’s face shadowed. “You’ve got Two-Bar cattle in that herd,” he said, “and

I’m Ernie Webb, foreman of the Two-Bar.”

“There are Two-Bar cows in that herd, and we rounded them up in the Colorado

country along with a lot of wild cattle. If you want to claim them get your boss

and we’ll talk a deal, but he’ll pay for the rounding up and driving.”

“I don’t need the boss,” Webb replied, “I handle my own trouble.”

“Now see here,” Rosenbaum interfered quietly. “There’s no need for this. Sackett

is reasonable enough. Get your boss and when the matter is settled, I’ll buy.”

“You stay out of this.” Webb was staring at Orrin, a trouble-hunting look on his

face. “This is a rustled herd and we’re taking it over.”

Several rough-looking riders had been drifting closer, very casually. I knew a

box play when I saw one. Where I was sitting Webb and his partner couldn’t see

me because Sunday was between us. They’d never seen Orrin before but they’d both

seen me that day on the plains of east Kansas.

“Cap,” I said, “if they want it, let’s let them have it.”

“Tom,” I wheeled my horse around Sunday which allowed me to flank Webb and his

partner, “this man may have been foreman for Two-Bar once, but he also rode with

Back Rand.”

Cap had stepped down from his saddle and had his horse between himself on the

oncoming riders, his rifle across his saddle. “You boys can buy the herd,” Cap

said, “but you’ll buy it the hard way.”

The riders drew up.

Rosenbaum was waiting right in the middle of where a lot of lead could be flying

but there wasn’t a quiver in him. For a man with no stake in the deal, he had


Webb had turned to look at me, and Orrin went on like he hadn’t been

interrupted. “Mr. Rosenbaum, you buy these cattle and keep track of any odd

brands you find. I think they’ll check with those in our tally books, and we’ll

post bond for their value and settle with any legitimate claimant but nobody is

taking any cattle from us.”

Ernie Webb had it all laid out for him nice and pretty, and it was his turn to

call the tune. If he wanted to sashay around a bit he had picked himself four

men who could step to the music.

“It’s that loudmouth kid,” Webb said, “somebody will beat it out of him someday,

and then rub his nose in it.”

“You try,” Orrin invited. “You can have any one of us, but that kid will blow

you loose from your saddle.”

We sold out for thirty-two dollars a head, and Rosenbaum admitted it was some of

the fattest stock brought into Abilene that year. Our herd had grazed over

country no other herds travelled and with plenty of water. We’d made our second

lucky drive and each of us had a notion we’d played out our luck.

When we got our cash we slicked out in black broadcloth suits, white shirts, and

new hats. We were more than satisfied and didn’t figure to do any better than

what we had.

Big John Ryan showed up to talk cattle. “This the Sackett outfit?”

“We’re it.”

“Hear you had Tumblin’ R stock in your herd?”

“Yes, sir. Sit down, will you?” Orrin told him about it. “Seven head, including

a brindle steer with a busted horn.”

“That old devil still alive? Nigh cost me the herd a few times and if I’d caught

him I’d have shot him. Stampede at the drop of a hat and take a herd with him.”

“You’ve got money coming, Mr. Ryan. At thirty-two dollars a head we figure—”

“Forget it. Hell … anybody with gumption enough to round up those cows and

drive them over here from Colorado is entitled to them. Besides, I just sold two

herds of nearly six thousand head … seven head aren’t going to break me.”

He ordered a drink. “Fact is, I’d like to talk to you boys about handling my

herd across the Bozeman Trail.”

Orrin looked at me. “Tom Sunday is the best cattleman among us. Orrin and me, we

want to find a place of our own.”

“I can’t argue with that. My drive will start on the Neuces and drive to the

Musselshell in Montana. How about it, Sunday?”

“I think not. I’ll trail along with the boys.”

There I sat with almost six thousand dollars belonging to me and about a

thousand more back in Sante Fe, and I was scared. It was the first time in my

life I’d ever had anything to lose. The way I saw it unless a man knows where

he’s going he isn’t going anywhere at all. We wanted a home for Ma, and a ranch,

and we also wanted enough education to face the changing times. It was time to

do some serious thinking.

A voice interrupted. “Aren’t you Tyrel Sackett?”

It was the manager of the Drovers’ Cottage. “There’s a letter for you.”

“A letter?” I looked at him stupidly. Nobody had ever written me a letter.

Maybe Ma … I was scared. Who would write to me?

It looked like a woman’s handwriting. I carefully unfolded the letter. It scared

me all hollow. Worst of it was, the words were handwritten and the letters were

all which-way and I had a time making them out. But I wet my lips, dug in my

heels, and went to work—figuring a man who could drive cattle could read a

letter if he put his mind to it.

First off there was the town: Santa Fe. And the date. It was written only a week

or so after we left Santa Fe.

Dear Mr. Sackett:

Well, now! Who was calling me mister? Mostly they called me Tyrel, or Tye, or


The letter was signed Drusilla.

Right about then I started to get hot around the neck and ears, and took a quick

look to see if anybody noticed. You never saw so many people paying less

attention to anybody.

They heard I was in Santa Fe and wondered why I did not visit them. There had

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Categories: L'Amour, Loius