The Devil’s Diadem by Sara Douglass

‘I did not return a second time. As for last night, I rose to walk as I was sleepless, and my limbs and back were cramped and achy. I thought a soft walk in the night air might make me sleep. So I went outside with my woman Evelyn, and we walked. But Evelyn did not like the cold, thus I said she could wait for me under the porch leading to our chambers. Then, as I walked once more about the inner bailey, I thought I heard a noise at one of Mevanou’s windows, and I thought I saw a face, so I thought it only courteous of me to wish her a good night. When I reached the window no one was there, so I returned, with Evelyn, to our chambers.’

Edmond looked to Henry, giving a slight shrug. ‘Who is right?’

‘It is not the first time the countess has been too close to death,’ Henry said. ‘Her husband, the earl, lost his entire family to plague, most of them at Pengraic. While no one disputes that his children caught the plague, there is dispute and rumour that some of them — Stephen, Rosamund and John — died, not by the plague, but by the countess’ hand.’

‘By God, Henry,’ Edmond said, ‘this is a most terrible accusation. If all you rely on is rumour, then this is a truly blackhearted thing you do.’

Henry held his father’s gaze. ‘Not just rumour, my lord father. I have a witness who states that the countess, or Mistress Maeb as she was then, confessed to her that she smothered the earl’s two youngest children, as well as his eldest, Stephen. Within weeks she was betrothed to their father. Madam,’ now he looked direct to me, ‘how say you in this matter?’

‘My conscience is clear.’

Henry’s lip curled, then he looked to his father. ‘My lord king, I have a credible witness to these murders — she will stand forth if needed — and no one can deny that the countess stands ill-placed for the Lady Mevanou’s escape and subsequent death —’

‘I did not push her over the parapets!’ I said.

‘So you admit aiding her escape?’ Henry shot back at me. He gave me no time to reply, switching his attention to Edmond again. ‘My lord king, according to the Westminster assizes, the law of the land requires that anyone who shall be found to be accused or notoriously suspect of having committed murder must be taken and put to the ordeal of fire.’

‘No!’ shouted Raife, but his voice was drowned out in the tumult that ensued.

Chapter Four

The hall was in an uproar. Many people were shouting. I know my husband, the king, Henry, Saint-Valery, and even the Templar, Fulke d’Ecouis, were doing so.

Eventually, Edmond managed to restore some order.

‘I stand forth as witness for this woman,’ said Alianor, literally taking a step forward. ‘I attest to her good character and to her innocence.’

I was amazed. I had not thought it of Alianor, and her public support brought a film of tears to my eyes. She was a truer friend than I’d thought.

‘And I,’ said Saint-Valery, also stepping forward, and again I was somewhat taken aback at his support.

Another friend, truer than I’d ever given him credit.

There was more uproar.

I held up my hand. ‘I am willing to take the ordeal of fire,’ I said.

‘No!’ Raife said and, grabbing my elbow again, pulled me a little way distant so he could speak to me privately.

‘Maeb, for mercy’s sakes! You are with child … we can easily appeal to have any ordeal or even further questioning put off until you have given birth, and by then …’

‘By then the rumours shall have grown larger,’ I said, ‘and more potent, and will be viewed as truth by most of England. This is an attack on you, my dear lord, and I shall not allow it. I know you have always feared that marrying me might somehow undo you, and —’

‘This is not what I meant!’

‘But what else, my lord? Do not fear for me. These accusations are false.’ I pulled my arm free, and turned back to the crowd.

‘I am innocent,’ I said. ‘My conscience stands bare and unstained before God. I shall take this ordeal of fire. Now. Before my Lord Henry can spread further false rumour to besmirch the Pengraic name.’

I met Henry’s eyes boldly as I said this, and I was pleased to see a little uncertainty flower in his.

‘My lady,’ Edmond said, ‘you do not have to do this.’

There was sadness and pain in his eyes, and I dipped before him, in acknowledgement of it.

‘I do, my lord king,’ I said. ‘I have no fear.’

‘Edmond,’ Raife said, ‘for Jesu’s sake, stop this!’

‘Do you fear your wife’s guilt, Pengraic?’ Henry said, the certainty back in his face now. ‘Do you fear her … burning?’

‘Enough, Henry!’ Edmond said. ‘Enough!’

‘The lady consents to the ordeal,’ Henry said. ‘I suggest for her peace we get this over as quickly as possible. D’Ecouis, will you administer the —’

‘No,’ I said, ‘not him. I wish the Bishop of Wincestre to administer the ordeal, if you please.’

Henry shrugged. ‘Wincestre then. Will someone send for the blacksmith? And a brazier?’

‘And I would ask that all the court who are close by attend this ordeal,’ I said. ‘I want to demonstrate my innocence in front of as many people as possible.’

Edmond nodded, and sent several squires scrambling to spread word.

Raife took me to one side again as Wincestre sent someone to fetch his book of rituals, someone fetched the blacksmith, and several guards set up a brazier, fetching hot coals from the fire.

‘Mae …’ Raife said.

His voice was agonised, and I took both his hands in mine. ‘Raife,’ I said quietly, ‘I will be safe. Trust me in this.’

‘This is nothing but —’

‘This is a chance for me to put a stop once and for all to the rumours. Henry has undoubtedly been voicing them far and wide. I have to do this, Raife. I must. I will be safe.’

He pulled his hands from mine and took my shoulders, so tightly he came close to hurting me. ‘Maeb,’ he said, almost hissing in his intensity, ‘listen to me and let me finish. I can put a stop to this here and now. You have no idea of the power I can unleash if I have to. I will give up everything, Mae, for you. Everything. I cannot see you suffer. I cannot. I will throw away my dreams and all they mean to me to keep you safe!’

‘No,’ I said calmly. ‘I cannot let that happen, and I will not.’

‘Maeb, I can stop this. We can walk away from this. I have estates in Normandy. We can go there.’

I was horrified. Ruin everything, for me? No. No. This was what he had always feared I would do to him, and I would not allow it.

‘I will not see you ruined,’ I said, pulling myself away from him. ‘Please, sweet Jesu, trust me!’

Wincestre came over. ‘My lady countess,’ he said, ‘I offer you the choice of the boiling water, the hot iron, or the burning gauntlet.’

‘The burning gauntlet,’ I said.

Raife hissed. ‘Maeb!’

‘Will you say a prayer with me, countess?’ Wincestre said. ‘Surely, my lord,’ I said, and I bowed my head as he made the sign of the cross before me, and began a prayer.

At that moment I prayed more fervently than I have ever prayed before in my life.

But I did not pray to God, nor to his crucified son, nor to any of the saints in their heavenly court.

I prayed to my companion knight, and prayed that he had truly meant it when he’d said to me that he would always protect me.

‘This has to stop!’ Raife said, once Wincestre and I had finished our prayers. ‘This has to stop!’

He moved away, seeking support from among the crowd, but Edmond grabbed him by the upper arm and pulled him back.

‘No,’ Edmond said, ‘now this must go ahead. Your wife has consented. It must go ahead. God help me, Pengraic, I do not want this either, but even I cannot prevent it.’

Alianor came over and gave me a hug. ‘God be with you,’ she whispered.

I kissed her cheek. ‘And with you, Alianor. Thank you.’

The ordeal was set up within the hour. Wincestre was already garbed in his clerical robes from the dawn ceremony, and needed only his ritual book. Two soldiers placed a brazier in the centre of the great hall and filled it brimful of coals from the fireplace, one of them fanning the heat with a small pair of bellows. The blacksmith arrived with several pairs of tongs and leather grab patches.

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