The Fabulous Riverboat by Phillip Jose Farmer

Iyeyasu attacked at ten points along the Riverfront walls. Mines blew up the walls, and men poured through the breaches. The number of rockets shot in the first ten minutes was awesome. Iyeyasu must have been saving them for a long time. The three amphibians of the defenders lumbered up, their steam machine guns chuffing and expelling the plastic bullets in garden hose fashion. The carnage they made was great, but Iyeyasu launched a surprise. Rockets with wooden warheads containing jellied alcohol (made from soap plus wood alcohol) struck all around the three armored vehicles and made direct hits on each at least twice. The crude napalm spread fierily over the vehicles, and if the burning stuff did not get inside the vehicles, it seared the lungs of the men inside.

Sam was shaken by the sight, but not so much that he did not tell Lothar to remind him of this when it was all over, if either of them was still around.

“They have to be made more airtight, and we’ll have to install a closed-circuit air system, like Firebrass described,” he said.

Johnston appeared as unexpectedly as if he had stepped out of a door in the night, and behind him was Firebrass. The man looked exhausted and as if he were in pain, but he still managed to grin at Sam. He was, however, trembling.

“Hacking was told that I was betraying him,” Firebrass said. “And he believed his informant. Who was, by the way, our esteemed and always reliable King John. John told him that I was selling him down The River, that I had revealed everything to you so I could become chief of your air force. Hacking would not believe that I was dickering with you just to string you along. I can’t blame him too much. I should have sent word through our spies what I was doing. That I didn’t convince him that I wasn’t double-crossing him didn’t surprise me.” “Were you?” Sam said.

Firebrass grinned. “No, I wasn’t, though I was mightily tempted. But why should I betray him when I’d been promised I could be head flier after Hacking took over the boat? The truth is, Hacking was eager to believe John.

He doesn’t like me because I’m not his idea of what a soul brother should be. And I had too easy a life according to him. He resented it because I never lived in a ghetto and I had every advantage he didn’t have.”

“The job of chief engineer can still be yours,” Sam said. “I’ll admit that I’m relieved about not having to promise you the captaincy of the air force. But you can still fly, if you want to.”

“That’s the best offer I’ve had since I died,” Firebrass said. “I’ll take it.”

He moved closer to Sam and whispered in his ear. “You would have had to “take me along in some capacity anyway. I’m one of The Twelve!”


Sam felt as if a cold rod had been plunged through him from the top of his head down. “The Ethical? The Stranger?” “Yes. He said you called him the Mysterious Stranger.” “Then you were betraying Hacking?”

“That little speech I just made was for public consumption,” Firebrass said. “Yes, I did betray Hacking, if you insist on using that word. But I regard myself as an espionage agent for a higher authority. I have no intention of worrying about all-black or all-white states on The River, when I can find out how and why we, the whole human race, were put here. I want answers to my questions, as Karamazov once said. All this white-black turmoil is trivial on this planet, no matter how important it was on Earth. Hacking must have sensed that I thought that, though I tried to conceal it.”

Sam did not recover from the shock for some time. Meanwhile, the battle raged on the plain with the Soul Citizens getting the worst of it. Though they cost the invaders three men for one, they were pushed back within a half an hour. Sam decided that it was time for them to act, and they trotted off toward the stockade where the Parolando prisoners were kept. Lothar fired two rockets into the gates of the stockade, and before the smoke had cleared, the fifteen charged through the blasted gates. Cyrano and Johnston did most of the work in killing the fifteen guards. Cyrano was a demon with lightning for a sword, and Johnston downed four men with thrown tomahawks and three with thrown knives. He broke two legs and a chest with a foot like iron. The prisoners were directed to the armory, where bows and arrows and swords were still in supply.

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