The Face of fear by Dean R.. Koontz

He sighed. “Perhaps. Look, Miss Mowry, do you have a security chain on

the door?”

“Of course.”

“Of course. Well, leave the chain on and open up. I’ll show you my


Hesitantly, she slid back a bolt lock. The chain lock allowed the door

to open an inch and no farther.

He held up his wallet. “Detective Bollinger, ” he said. The knife was

in his left hand, pointed at the floor, pressed flat against his


She squinted through the narrow crack. She peered for a moment at the

badge that was pinned to the inside of his wallet, then carefully

studied the photo identification card in the plastic window below the


When she stopped squinting at the ID and looked up at him, he saw that

her eyes were not blue, as he had thought-having seen her no closer than

when she was on stage and he was in the shadowed audience but a deep

shade of green. They were truly the most attractive eyes he had ever

seen. “Satisfied?” he asked.

Her thick dark hair had fallen across one eye. She pushed it away from

her face. Her fingers were long and perfectly formed, the nails painted

blood red. When she was on stage, bathed in that intense spotlight, her

nails appeared to be black. She said, “What’s this trouble you


“I have quite a number of questions to ask you, Miss Mowry. Must we

discuss this through a crack in the door for the next twenty minutes?”

Frowning, she said, “I suppose not. Wait there just a minute while I

put on a robe.”

“I can wait. Patience is the key to content.”

She looked at him curiously.

Mohammed,” he said.

“A cop who quotes Mohammed?”

“Why not?”

“Are you-of that religion?”

“No.” He was amused at the way she phrased the question. “It’s just

that I’ve acquired a considerable amount of knowledge for the sole

purpose of shocking those people who think all policemen are hopelessly


” She winced. “Sorry.” Then she smiled. He had not seen her smile

before, not once in the entire week since he had first seen her.

She had stood in that spotlight, moving with the music, shedding her

clothes, bumping, grinding, caressing her own bare breasts, observing

her audience with the cold eyes and almost lipless expression of a

snake. Her smile was dazzling.

“Get your robe, Miss MoryS he closed the door.

Bollinger watched the foyer door at the end of the hall, hoping no one

would come in or go out while he was standing there, exposed.

He put away his wallet.

He kept the knife in his left hand.

in less than a minute she returned. She removed the security chain,

opened the door and said, “Come in.”

He stepped past her, inside.

She closed the door and put the bolt lock in place and turned to him a

him and said, “Whatever trouble-” Moving quickly for such a large man he

slammed her against the door, brought up the knife, shifted it from his

left hand to his right hand, and lightly pricked her throat with the

point of the blade.

Her green eyes were very wide. She’d had the breath knocked out of her

and could not scream.

“No noise,” Bollinger said fiercely. “if you try to call for help, I’ll

push this pig sticker straight into your lovely throat.

I’ll ram it right out the back of your neck. Do you understand?”

She stared at him.

“Do you understand?”

“Yes,” she said thinly.

“Are you going to cooperate?”

She said nothing. Her gaze traveled down from his eyes, over his proud

nose and full lips and strong jaw-line, down to his fist and to the

handle of the knife.

“If you aren’t going to cooperate,” he said quietly, “I can skewer you

right here. I’ll pin you to the damn door.” He was breathing hard.

A tremor passed through her.

He grinned.

Still trembling, she said, “What do you want?”

“Not much. Not very much at all. just a little loving.” She closed

her eyes. “Are you-him?”

Dew R Kovatz A slender, all but invisible thread of blood trickled from

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Categories: Koontz, Dean