The Fellowship of the Talisman by Clifford D. Simak

He glanced around him, trying to take in the situation at a glance. Andrew was tied to a small tree, his hands roped against the tree, other ropes about his middle. There was no sign of Meg, although she must be somewhere, and no sign of Daniel either, but the patient little Beauty stood hitched to another tree, a heavy rope looped, halterlike, about her head and neck. Out of the corner of his eye he could see Tiny, his four feet tied together, his jaws held shut by loops of cord pulled tightly about them. Tiny was struggling fiercely, throwing himself about, but there seemed little possibility the dog could fight his way to freedom. Conrad still lay a few feet away, looking more than ever like a Christmas goose ready for the oven.

They were at the edge of a small grove of trees at the beginning of the strand–the place where they had stopped in early morning light and flopped, without thought of breakfast or of fire, wanting only to catch a few hours of sleep while Andrew stood the guard.

Snoopy was nowhere in sight, nor was Nan, the banshee, nor was Ghost. Which, Duncan told himself, was no more than might have been expected. As soon as his charges were safely at the strand, Snoopy, perhaps accompanied by Nan, would have gone off to collect his band of Little People. Ghost more than likely was out on scout, alert to any danger. Ghost had said last night that he had seen no one during the entire day, that here they would be safe. And if that had been the case, Duncan wondered, where the hell had the Reaver and his men been hiding?

The Reaver was walking toward him, and he watched him as he came, puzzled at the emotions the man evoked in him–some fear, perhaps, certainly some hatred, but the fear and the hatred washed away by the utter contempt he felt for such a rogue. The Reaver was the scum of the earth, a vicious opportunist with no principles whatsoever; a nothing, less than nothing.

The Reaver stopped a few feet from him and stood, with his hands planted firmly on his hips, looking down at him.

“So, m’lord, how do you like it now?” he asked. “The tables now are turned. Perhaps you’d care to tell me what this is all about.”

“I told you,” said Duncan, “that night at the manor. We are bound for Oxenford.”

“But you did not tell me why.”

“I told you. We carry messages.”

“And that is all?”

Duncan shrugged. “That is all,” he said.

The Reaver stooped forward, placed one great hand on the pouch at Duncan’s belt, and with one wrench tore it free.

“Now we’ll see,” be said.

Taking his time, he carefully undid the buckles and opened the pouch. His hand dipped into it and brought out Wulfert’s amulet. He dangled it on its chain, the brilliant jewels set in it turned to fire in the fading sunlight.

“A pretty thing, forsooth,” he said, “and perhaps valuable. Tell me what it is.”

“A bauble only,” Duncan said. “A piece crafted for its beauty.”

And deep inside himself he prayed, _Not the manuscript! Please, not the manuscript!_

The Reaver dropped the amulet into his pocket, reached in the pouch again and brought out the manuscript.

“And this?”

“A few leaves of parchment,” said Duncan, as smoothly as he could, “brought along for reading. A favorite of mine. I’ve had little time to read it.”

“Bah!” said the Reaver in disgust. He crumpled the manuscript in his fist and tossed it to one side. The wind caught it and scudded it along the sand for a few feet. Then it caught on a small shrub and lodged there, the wind still tugging at it.

The Reaver’s hand went in the pouch again, bringing out a rosary, the cross of ivory, the beads of amber. He examined his find carefully.

“Venerable?” he asked. “Perhaps sanctified by some holy man?”

“By His Grace, the archbishop of Standish Abbey,” Duncan said. “Which makes it only moderately sanctified.”

“Still a splendid piece of work,” the Reaver said affably, dropping it into his pocket. “I might get a copper for it.”

“It’s worth much more than that,” said Duncan. “You’d be a fool to sell it for a copper.”

Next the Reaver came up with a clinking doeskin bag. “Now this,” he said, a grin exposing his snaggle-teeth, “is more like it.” He opened the bag and poured some of the coins into an open palm, poking at them with a finger of the hand that held the bag.

“A goodly sum,” he said, “and welcome to a man in as straitened circumstances as I find myself to be.”

He poured the coins back into the bag and dropped it, as well, into the pocket of his jacket.

Opening the pouch wide, he peered into it, reaching in a hand to explore the remaining items.

“Junk,” he said contemptuously and tossed the pouch aside.

“And now the sword,” he said. “A blade carried by a gentleman. Much better, I suppose, than the poor iron that we carry.”

He stepped to one side and drew the blade from Duncan’s scabbard. Squatting down in front of Duncan, he examined it with a practiced eye.

“Good steel,” he said, “and serviceable. But where is the gold, where are the jewels? I would have expected a scion of the nobility to carry a better piece than this.”

“Gold and jewels are for ceremony,” Duncan told him. “This is a fighting weapon.”

The Reaver nodded. “What you say is true. Sharp and with a needle point. Very good, indeed.”

He flicked the sword point upward, thrust it forward an inch or two to prick against Duncan’s throat.

“Let us now suppose,” he said, “you tell me what is really going on. Where is the treasure that you seek? What kind of treasure is it?”

Duncan said nothing. He sat quietly–quietly while every instinct screamed for him to pull away. But if he flinched from the pointed steel, he told himself, there would be no purpose served. Flinch away and one flick of the Reaver’s wrist would have the point against his throat again.

“I’ll have your throat out,” the Reaver threatened.

“If you do,” said Duncan, “you’ll foreclose ever finding out.”

“How true,” the Reaver said. “How very true, indeed. Perhaps skinning you alive would be a better way. Tell me, have you ever watched while a man was skinned alive?”

“No, I never have.”

“It is not a pretty sight,” the Reaver said. “It is done most slowly, a little at a time. There are various methods of procedure. Beginning at the toes or sometimes at the fingers. But that is tedious work for the skinner, who must be very careful since the technique is quite delicate. I think I might prefer, if I were the skinner, to begin at the belly or the crotch. Although quite complicated, I think I would prefer beginning at the crotch. That is a very tender region and it usually brings fast results. If we were to do it on you, where would you prefer we start? We’ll accord you the courtesy of making your own choice.”

Duncan said nothing. He could feel the sweat popping out along his forehead and he hoped it didn’t show. For this, he sensed, was not idle talk. It was not meant to frighten him into talking. This butcher meant to do it.

The Reaver appeared to be in deep thought, mulling over the situation.

“Maybe it might be better,” he said, “if we did it first on someone else and let you watch a while before we started in on you. Perhaps that great oaf over yonder. He’d be a good one to do it on. He has such a splendid hide. So much of it and in such good condition. Once a man had it off him, he could make a jacket of it. Or that piddling hermit, tied against the tree. He would scream louder than the oaf. He would squirm in agony. He would scream and ask for mercy. He would call most piteously on the Lord. He’d put on quite a show. Although I am undecided. The hermit’s skin is so wrinkled that it would seem scarcely worth the effort.”

Duncan still said nothing.

The Reaver made a deprecating gesture. “Oh, well,” he said, “it’s too late in the day to talk about it now. To do a first-rate skinning job good light is needed, and the sun’s about to set. First thing in the morning, that is when we’ll start. So we’ll have the full day for it.”

He lumbered to his feet, tucked Duncan’s sword beneath his arm, patted his bulging jacket pocket, and made as if to turn away. Then he turned back and looked at Duncan, grinning at him.

“That’ll give you the night to think it over,” he said. “We can talk again, come morning.”

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