The Fellowship of the Talisman by Clifford D. Simak

The Fellowship of the Talisman by Clifford D. Simak


The manor house was the first undamaged structure they had seen in two days of travel through an area that had been desolated with a thoroughness at once terrifying and unbelievable.

During those two days, furtive wolves had watched them from hilltops. Foxes, their brushes dragging, had skulked through underbrush. Buzzards, perched on dead trees or on the blackened timbers of burned homesteads, had looked upon them with speculative interest. They had met not a soul, but occasionally, in thickets, they had glimpsed human skeletons.

The weather had been fine until noon of the second day, when the soft sky of early autumn became overcast, and a chill wind sprang from the north. At times the sharp wind whipped icy rain against their backs, the rain sometimes mixed with snow.

Late in the afternoon, topping a low ridge, Duncan Standish sighted the manor, a rude set of buildings fortified by palisades and a narrow moat. Inside the palisades, fronting the drawbridge, lay a courtyard, within which were penned horses, cattle, sheep, and hogs. A few men moved about in the courtyard, and smoke streamed from several chimneys. A number of small buildings, some of which bore the signs of burning, lay outside the palisades. The entire place had a down-at-heels appearance.

Daniel, the great war-horse, who had been following Duncan like a dog, came up behind the man. Clopping behind Daniel came the little gray burro, Beauty, with packs lashed upon her back. Daniel lowered his head, nudged his master’s back.

“It’s all right, Daniel,” Duncan told him. “We’ve found shelter for the night.”

The horse blew softly through his nostrils.

Conrad came trudging up the slope and ranged himself alongside Duncan. Conrad was a massive man. Towering close to seven feet, he was heavy even for his height. A garment made of sheep pelts hung from his shoulders almost to his knees. In his right fist he carried a heavy club fashioned from an oak branch. He stood silently, staring at the manor house.

“What do you make of it?” asked Duncan.

“They have seen us,” Conrad said. “Heads peeking out above the palisades.”

“Your eyes are shaper than mine,” said Duncan. “Are you sure?”

“I’m sure, m’lord.”

“Quit calling me ‘my lord.’ I’m not a lord. My father is the lord.”

“I think of you as such,” said Conrad. “When your father dies, you will be a lord.”

“No Harriers?”

“Only people,” Conrad told him.

“It seems unlikely,” said Duncan, “that the Harriers would have passed by such a place.”

“Maybe fought them off. Maybe the Harriers were in a hurry.”

“So far,” said Duncan, “from our observations, they passed little by. The lowliest cottages, even huts, were burned.”

“Here comes Tiny,” said Conrad. “He’s been down to look them over.”

The mastiff came loping up the slope and they waited for him. He went over to stand close to Conrad. Conrad patted his head, and the great dog wagged his tail. Looking at them, Duncan noted once again how similar were the man and dog. Tiny reached almost to Conrad’s waist. He was a splendid brute. He wore a wide leather collar in which were fastened metal studs. His ears tipped forward as he looked down at the manor. A faint growl rumbled in his throat.

“Tiny doesn’t like it, either,” Conrad said.

“It’s the only place we’ve seen,” said Duncan. “It’s shelter. The night will be wet and cold.”

“Bedbugs there will be. Lice as well.”

The little burro sidled close to Daniel to get out of the cutting wind.

Duncan shucked up his sword belt. “I don’t like it, Conrad, any better than you and Tiny do. But there is a bad night coming on.”

“We’ll stay close together,” Conrad said. “We’ll not let them separate us.”

“That is right,” said Duncan. “We might as well start down.”

As they walked down the slope, Duncan unconsciously put his hand beneath his cloak to find the pouch dangling from his belt. His fingers located the bulk of the manuscript. He seemed to hear the crinkle of the parchment as his fingers touched it. He found himself suddenly enraged at his action. Time after time, during the last two days, he’d gone through the same silly procedure, making sure the manuscript was there. Like a country boy going to a fair, he told himself, with a penny tucked in his pocket, thrusting his hand again and again into the pocket to make sure he had not lost the penny.

Having touched the parchment, again he seemed to hear His Grace saying, “Upon those few pages may rest the future hope of mankind.” Although, come to think of it, His Grace was given to overstatement and not to be taken as seriously as he sometimes tried to make a person think he should be. In this instance, however, Duncan told himself, the aged and portly churchman might very well be right. But that would not be known until they got to Oxenford.

And because of this, because of the tightly written script on a few sheets of parchment, he was here rather than back in the comfort and security of Standish House, trudging down a hill to seek shelter in a place where, as Conrad had pointed out, there probably would be bedbugs.

“One thing bothers me,” said Conrad as he strode along with Duncan.

“I didn’t know that anything ever bothered you.”

“It’s the Little Folk,” said Conrad. “We have seen none of them. If anyone, they should be the ones to escape the Harriers. You can’t tell me that goblins and gnomes and others of their kind could not escape the Harriers.”

“Maybe they are frightened and hiding out,” said Duncan. “If I am any judge of them, they’d know where to hide.”

Conrad brightened visibly. “Yes, that must be it,” he said.

As they drew closer to the manor, they saw their estimation of the place had not been wrong. It was far from prepossessing. Ramshackle was the word for it. Here and there heads appeared over the palisades, watching their approach.

The drawbridge was still up when they reached the moat, which was a noisome thing. The stench was overpowering, and in the greenish water floated hunks of corruption that could have been decaying human bodies.

Conrad bellowed at the heads protruding over the palisades. “Open up,” he shouted. “Travelers claim shelter.”

Nothing happened for a time, and Conrad bellowed once again. Finally, with much creaking of wood and squealing of chains, the bridge began a slow, jerky descent. As they crossed the bridge they saw that there stood inside a motley crowd with the look of vagabonds about them, but the vagabonds were armed with spears, and some carried makeshift swords in hand.

Conrad waved his club at them. “Stand back,” he growled. “Make way for m’lord.”

They backed off, but the spears were not grounded; the blades stayed naked. A crippled little man, one foot dragging, limped through the crowd and came up to them. “My master welcomes you,” he whined. “He would have you at table.”

“First,” said Conrad, “shelter for the beasts.”

“There is a shed,” said the whining lame man. “It is open to the weather, but it has a roof and is placed against the wall. There’ll be hay for the horse and burro. I’ll bring the dog a bone.”

“No bone,” said Conrad. “Meat. Big meat. Meat to fit his size.”

“I’ll find some meat,” said the lame man.

“Give him a penny,” Duncan said to Conrad.

Conrad inserted his fingers into the purse at his belt, brought out a coin, and flipped it to the man, who caught it deftly and touched a finger to his forelock, but in a mocking manner.

The shed was shelter, barely, but at the worst it offered some protection from the wind and a cover against rain. Duncan unsaddled Daniel and placed the saddle against the wall of the palisade. Conrad unshipped the pack from the burro, piled it atop the saddle.

“Do you not wish to take the saddle and the pack inside with you?” the lame man asked. “They might be safer there.”

“Safe here,” insisted Conrad. “Should anyone touch them, he will get smashed ribs, perhaps his throat torn out.”

The raffish crowd that had confronted them when they crossed the bridge had scattered now. The drawbridge, with shrill sounds of protest, was being drawn up.

“Now,” said the lame man, “if you two will follow me. The master sits at meat.”

The great hall of the manor was ill lighted and evil smelling. Smoky torches were ranged along the walls to provide illumination. The rushes on the floor had not been changed for months, possibly for years; they were littered with bones thrown to dogs or simply tossed upon the floor once the meat had been gnawed from them. Dog droppings lay underfoot, and the room stank of urine–dog, and, more than likely, human. At the far end of the room stood a fireplace with burning logs. The chimney did not draw well and poured smoke into the hall. A long trestle table ran down the center of the hail. Around it was seated an uncouth company. Half-grown boys ran about, serving platters of food and jugs of ale.

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Categories: Simak, Clifford