THE FOREST LORD By Susan Krinard

“Your father loved you, Eden, but he was afraid. He found enough courage to bargain with the Forest Lord—to ask that he court you as human, posing as a distant cousin just returned from India. He demanded that you agree, willingly, to marry Hern in his human guise, and that the world should recognize the marriage as real and legal. But he knew that Hern did not intend to remain with you. He knew that Hern wanted a child and that he would take that child away soon after its birth. The only thing you would have left was your reputation, and a chance to marry again.”

Eden covered her mouth with one hand. Claudia embraced her gently.

“Your attraction to Cornelius Fleming was understandable. He appeared to be a respectable young man, the likely heir to the Bradwell estates if your Uncle Fleming died without sons. You were young and impressionable, and there is no telling what sort of evil spell he cast upon you. The fault was not yours.”

Eden shook her head with a sharp jerk. “I agreed to elope with him because I could not wait for a regular marriage. I was so in love.” She laughed. “I heard him… the night at the inn near Gretna… bargaining with father. About me, but I didn’t completely understand. Then I saw him as he truly is. As he was today. And I ran.”

“Into the storm.” Claudia stroked her hair. “You never spoke of what had happened. Your father and I thought it best to help you avoid the memories and all thought of the creature. He did come after you… but you were ill, and your father convinced him to come back only when the child was born.”

“And he did come back, didn’t he?” Eden whispered. “He came back for my boy.”

“To take it from you, as he had bargained.” Claudia pressed Eden’s face against her shoulder. “But your father thwarted him. Bradwell could not surrender his own blood to such a monster. He told Cornelius that the child was dead. He swore me to secrecy and sent it away for its own protection, intending to tell you what he had done when you were well again.”

“To Ireland. But how could Papa send him to poor folk, who could not care for him? Why not to my Uncle Fleming?”

“I do not know, Eden. Something did not proceed as planned, and he left England soon after, broken in purse and spirit.”

Eden’s eyes were haunted. “Oh, Papa.”

“He was bitter about what he had done to you, Eden. He hated himself for it. The creature went away and did not return. We believed we were safe.” She allowed herself a bitter smile. “But the beast did not leave. He has waited for your return to Hartsmere.”

“And he learned that Donal was alive… when I did,” Eden whispered. “He believed I had betrayed him, as Papa had.”

“Can one betray a minion of the devil?” Claudia asked. “No, Eden. Do not attribute human motives to him. All he wanted then—as now—was the unnatural son he had fathered. If Donal had not come to Hartsmere, if his guardians in Ireland had not sent him back, he would have been safe. But now all that has changed.”

“He was not safe in Ireland,” Eden said. “He has never been safe, except—” She broke off and subtly shifted out of Claudia’s arms. “I will do anything, anything at all, to protect him.”

Yes, Claudia thought. I know you will. “And that is why I have revealed all this to you. So you will understand that this creature who calls himself Hartley Shaw has insinuated himself into your life, and Donal’s, for the sole purpose of stealing your son away to his blighted realm.”

“He could have taken Donal a thousand times. Why didn’t he?”

“I assure you, that has been his aim from the first moment he courted you as Cornelius Fleming. Perhaps he preferred to win Donal’s affection so the boy would go with him willingly. Or perhaps he hoped to get you with another half human child by seducing you once more—this time without a false promise of marriage.”

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Categories: Krinard, Susan