THE FOREST LORD By Susan Krinard

Eden worked her hands open and closed, open and closed. “And now you will send him away once more? As you did five years ago?”

“Yes, I sent him away. I misled your father into believing the child was dead and filled the coffin with the baby’s swaddling cloths and a few strands of hair to deceive the monster. You have no doubt observed that his senses are very keen. Even so, I could not be sure that he wouldn’t find the lad.” She couldn’t conceal her pity. “Donal, like his father, can bring only destruction upon you. I do this for—”

“No!” Eden shot up from her chair, her expression so violent that Claudia prepared for an assault. “He is my son—”

“And mine.”

Claudia forgot the response she was about to make. She turned. Hartley Shaw stood in the doorway, very much alive, his eyes blazing with emerald fire. Something half visible flickered near his face and then disappeared.

“Eden,” Hartley said softly. Claudia was sickened to see the tenderness in his eyes. “Are you well?”

She rushed toward him. “Where is Donal?”

“There is a stranger here, a man,” he said. “He has the boy somewhere on the grounds. I go now to find them.”

Claudia pushed aside her shock and stood. “How pleasant to see you again, Mr. Shaw. Not only alive, but still in control of my niece.” She gestured about the room. “Won’t you join us?”

Hartley’s gaze shifted to Claudia. “I heard something of what you told Eden, Lady Claudia. I did not see you that day in the forest, long ago. I thought the trespasser was alone. I acted rashly and without mercy. I am sorry.”

Claudia laughed. “Sorry. How touching. You have learned human emotions from Eden, have you? Pity and compassion, as well as mercy?”

“I have tried.”

“But not love.” She looked at Eden. “He has not told you he loves you, has he? But he has used every other means to keep you under his spell, just as I warned you.”

Before Eden could respond, an intruder burst through the door. Breathing hard, Lord Bradwell looked about him, passing over Hartley without recognition. His gaze settled on Eden.

“I am sorry, Eden,” he said. “I followed them here, but—”

“How did you get free, Cyrus?” Claudia demanded. “The American—”

“Mr. Blake detected the presence of one of his wendigos, and thought it expedient to take Donal from the house. Unfortunately, that made it impossible for him to continue guarding the rest of us. I was rather good at picking locks when I was a boy.” He turned back to Eden. “I learned within days that Claudia had not gone where I expected but had returned to Hartsmere. When I arrived and tried to take custody of the boy, she…” He grimaced. “She has hired a henchman to do her bidding, an American. He has prevented me or the servants from leaving Hartsmere.”

“Is Donal well?” Eden asked, ignoring Claudia.

“I saw him briefly when I first arrived, but yes—he has not been harmed. Claudia—”

“Will you speak of me as if I am not present, Cyrus?” Claudia said, mocking to hide her hurt. “Here we are, all together again. Where is the happy reunion?”

“Happy?” He moved by slow steps to Eden’s side. “Not while you hold my grandson.”

“Ah. I will enjoy hearing the tale of where you have been all these years, and how you came to assist Eden after abandoning her for so long. But that can wait for a more opportune moment.”

“If one ever comes.”

“It will, along with peace for all of us.”

He shook his head. “Whatever your game, Claudia, you must return Donal to his mother.”

“So that she may lose him to his father?”

“His father?”

Claudia smiled. “Yes, Cyrus. He is alive… for the moment.” She gestured toward Hartley. “Do you not recognize your would-be son-in-law?”

He looked at Hartley, and slowly the knowledge spread across his face. “My God,” he whispered.

“The situation is quite complex, as you can see,” Claudia said. “But I assure you that I am in command of it. The monster can do nothing while my ‘henchman’ has the boy in his keeping. You have avoided responsibility for the pain you caused, Cyrus, but you are too late. You would be best advised not to interfere.”

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Categories: Krinard, Susan