THE FOREST LORD By Susan Krinard

How many lovers had Eden taken since their one night together? That she had taken them he had little doubt. Many mortals were as fickle as Fane in their desires. And why should it matter? If she were experienced in the ways of love and eager to have a new man in her bed, he would oblige her.

By Titania’s wings, he wanted her. One night had not been enough to purge himself, nor was hatred a barrier to his lust. It urged him to make her suffer, as he had suffered.

Once he had deigned to court a mortal woman. Let her debase herself to love a servant, and realize her mistake too late.

Hartley smiled, making no attempt to hide his thoughts.

Eden’s eyelid twitched. One less acute of vision might not have noticed.

Mrs. Byrne moved up beside him, glancing from his face to Eden’s. “Well, now. Tell her ladyship what you can do, lad.”

Shall I, indeed? Hartley caught the sudden wariness in Eden’s eyes. Remember the part you play. If you step too far beyond your place, she will run before you’ve caught her.

He tempered his challenging stance. “I do seek employment, your ladyship,” he said. “I can do all that Mrs. Byrne says. I’ve a way with dogs and horses, I’ve experience in foresting and gamekeeping, and growing things do well under my hand.”

Eden arched a brow. “Quite the paragon—just as you said, Mrs. Byrne.” Without relaxing her posture, Eden gave the impression of indolent amusement.

Laughing at him. At the humble mortal he pretended to be.

He glanced deliberately around the threadbare sitting room. “I’d say that you need help here, your ladyship.”

“Indeed. Have you a mind to assist our maids, Mr. Shaw? Perhaps our household is not fine enough for your liking.”

“I can do whatever is needed,” he said. “But you’ll find that my talents lie elsewhere.”

She chose to ignore his innuendo, if she could recognize it in an itinerant laborer. But he thought she had. He thought she was even more disturbed than before.

“You will have ample opportunity to display your skills,” Eden said, rising. “Mrs. Byrne is acting steward at the moment, so you may discuss the terms of your employment with her. She will decide what requires your immediate attention.” She glanced at the older woman. “I believe there is a gardener’s cottage available—”

“Aye,” Mrs. Byrne said. “Old Coddington’s cottage.”

Hartley shuddered inwardly at the thought of being trapped within man’s walls. “I’ll sleep in the stable.”

Eden smiled. “Mrs. Byrne, I believe that I will have my luncheon now, when you have finished with our man of many talents.”

“Aye, my lady.” She took Hartley’s arm and steered him toward the door. “You’re that lucky,” she whispered when they were in the hall. “I thought she’d taken you in dislike. You’ll wish to watch that saucy tongue of yours, lad. Our mistress is a lady of quality, used to fine London ways, and she’ll brook no insolence.” She paused just outside the doors to the servant’s wing. “Aye, and she’s suffered more than a bit, as well. Lost her husband and her London house. Hartsmere is all she has left, so don’t make it the harder for her. Leave off your bold glances and remember your place.”

Lost her husband.

Hartley stopped in his tracks. Eden had married, then. He had not even considered the possibility, though he knew he should not be surprised. By the customs of men, she would have needed a father for her son, a respectable name to bear into mortal society. She would have sought a husband who did not care if she had lain with another, who would accept her son as his own.

“Who was he?” he demanded.

“Who was who?” Mrs. Byrne peered into his face. “What’s wrong, lad? You look as though you’ve just met your worst enemy.”

“Who was her husband?”

“Mr. Spencer Winstowe, younger son of the Viscount Dillamore, and two months dead. Why would that be interesting you, now?”

Why, indeed. Why should he care if she’d chained herself to the first mortal who would take her?

But his vision was red, and behind the scarlet haze he saw her wrapped in this Winstowe’s arms—her husband, her mate—taking him into her body, gasping and crying aloud as she had done with her first lover.

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Categories: Krinard, Susan