The Genius by Theodore Dreiser

Eugene turned his head away in disgust—wearily—sick of their melodramatic appeals. This was the last rôle Angela should have played. It was the most ineffectual, the least appropriate at the moment. It was dramatic, striking, but totally ineffective under the circumstances.

“It’s useless acting in that way to me, Angela,” he said. “I’m no longer to be moved in that way by you. All marital affection between us is dead—terribly so. Why plead to me with something that has no appeal. I can’t help it. It’s dead. Now what are we going to do about it?”

Once more Angela turned wearily. Although she was nerve worn and despairing, she was still fascinated by the tragedy which was being played out under her eyes. Would nothing make him see?

They went their separate ways for the night, and the next day he was at his desk again. Word came from Suzanne that she was still in Lenox, and then that her mother had gone to Boston for a day or two on a visit. The fifth day Colfax stepped into his office, and, hailing him pleasantly, sat down.

“Well, how are things with you, old man?” he asked.

“Oh, about the same,” said Eugene. “I can’t complain.”

“Everything going all right with you?”

“Yes, moderately so.”

“People don’t usually butt in on you here when I’m here, do they?” he asked curiously.

“I’ve given orders against anything like that, but I’ll make it doubly sure in this case,” said Eugene, alert at once. Could Colfax be going to talk to him about anything in connection with his case? He paled a little.

Colfax looked out of the window at the distant panorama of the Hudson. He took out a cigar, and cut the end, but did not light it.

“I asked you about not being interrupted,” he began thoughtfully, “because I have a little something I want to talk to you about, which I would rather no one else heard. Mrs. Dale came to me the other day,” he said quietly. Eugene started at the mention of her name and paled still more, but gave no other outward sign. “And she told me a long story about something that you were trying to do in connection with her daughter—run away with her, or go and live with her without a license or a divorce, or desert your wife, or something to that effect, which I didn’t pay much attention to, but which I have to talk to you about just the same. Now, I never like to meddle with a man’s personal affairs. I don’t think that they concern me. I don’t think they concern this business, except in so far as they may affect it unfavorably, but I would like to know if it is true. Is it?”

“Yes,” said Eugene.

“Mrs. Dale is an old friend of mine. I’ve known her for years. I know Mrs. Witla, of course, but not quite in the same way. I haven’t seen as much of her as I have of you. I didn’t know that you were unhappily married, but that is neither here nor there. The point is, that she seems to be on the verge of making a great scandal out of this—she seems a little distracted to me—and I thought I’d better come up and have a little talk with you before anything serious really happened. You know it would be a rather damaging thing to this business if any scandal were started in connection with you just at present.”

He paused, expecting some protest or explanation, but Eugene merely held his peace. He was tense, pale, harried. So she had gone to Colfax, after all. Instead of going to Boston; instead of keeping her word, she had come down here to New York and gone to Colfax. Had she told him the full story? Very likely Colfax, in spite of all his smooth words, would be inclined to sympathize with her. What must he think of him? He was rather conservative in a social way. Mrs. Dale could be of service to him in her world in one way and another. He had never seen Colfax quite so cool and deliberate as he was now. He seemed to be trying to maintain an exceedingly judicial and impartial tone, which was not characteristic.

“You have always been an interesting study to me, Witla, ever since I first met you,” he went on, after a time. “You’re a genius, I fancy, if there ever was one, but like all geniuses you are afflicted with tendencies which are erratic. I used to think for a little while that maybe you sat down and planned the things which you have carried through so successfully, but I have since concluded that you don’t. You attract some forms of force and order. Also, I think you have various other faculties—it would be hard for me to say just what they are. One is vision. I know you have that. Another is appreciation of ability. I know you have that. I have seen you pick some exceptional people. You plan in a way, but you don’t plan logically or deliberately, unless I am greatly mistaken. The matter of this Dale girl now is an interesting case in point, I think.”

“Let’s not talk of her,” said Eugene frigidly and bridling slightly. Suzanne was a sore point with him. A dangerous subject. Colfax saw it. “That’s something I can’t talk about very well.”

“Well, we won’t,” put in the other calmly, “but the point can be established in other ways. You’ll admit, I think, that you haven’t been planning very well in connection with this present situation, for if you had been, you would see that in doing what you have been doing you have been riding straight for a fall. If you were going to take the girl, and she was willing, as she appears to be, you should have taken her without her mother’s knowledge, old man. She might have been able to adjust things afterward. If not, you would have had her, and I suppose you would have been willing to suffer the consequences, if you had been caught. As it is, you have let Mrs. Dale in on it, and she has powerful friends. You can’t ignore her. I can’t. She is in a fighting mood, and it looks as though she were going to bring considerable pressure to bear to make you let go.”

He paused again, waiting to see if Eugene would say something, but the latter made no comment.

“I want to ask one question, and I don’t want you to take any offense at it, for I don’t mean anything by it, but it will help to clear this matter up in my own mind, and probably in yours later, if you will. Have you had anything to do in a compromising way with Miss——?”

“No,” said Eugene before he could finish.

“How long has this fight been going on?”

“Oh, about four weeks, or a little less.”

Colfax bit at the end of his cigar.

“You have powerful enemies here, you know, Witla. Your rule hasn’t been very lenient. One of the things I have noticed about you is your utter inability to play politics. You have picked men who would be very glad to have your shoes, if they could. If they could get the details of this predicament, your situation wouldn’t be tenable more than fifteen minutes. You know that, of course. In spite of anything I might do you would have to resign. You couldn’t maintain yourself here. I couldn’t let you. You haven’t thought of that in this connection, I suppose. No man in love does. I know just how you feel. From having seen Mrs. Witla, I can tell in a way just what the trouble is. You have been reined in too close. You haven’t been master in your own home. It’s irritated you. Life has appeared to be a failure. You have lost your chance, or thought you had on this matrimonial game, and it’s made you restless. I know this girl. She’s beautiful. But just as I say, old man, you haven’t counted the cost—you haven’t calculated right—you haven’t planned. If anything could prove to me what I have always faintly suspected about you, it is this: You don’t plan carefully enough——” and he looked out of the window.

Eugene sat staring at the floor. He couldn’t make out just what it was that Colfax intended to do about it. He was calmer in his thinking than he had ever seen him before—less dramatic. As a rule, Colfax yelled things—demonstrated, performed—made excited motions. This morning, he was slow, thoughtful, possibly emotional.

“In spite of the fact that I like you personally, Witla—and every man owes a little something to friendship—it can’t be worked out in business, though—I have been slowly coming to the conclusion that perhaps, after all, you aren’t just the ideal man for this place. You’re too emotional, I fancy—too erratic. White has been trying to tell me that for a long time, but I wouldn’t believe it. I’m not taking his judgment now. I don’t know that I would ever have acted on that feeling or idea, if this thing hadn’t come up. I don’t know that I am going to do so finally, but it strikes me that you are in a very ticklish position—one rather dangerous to this house, and you know that this house could never brook a scandal. Why the newspapers would never get over it. It would do us infinite harm. I think, viewing it all in all, that you had better take a year off and see if you can’t straighten this out quietly. I don’t think you had better try to take this girl unless you can get a divorce and marry her, and I don’t think you had better try to get a divorce unless you can do it quietly. I mean so far as your position here is concerned only. Apart from that, you can do what you please. But remember! a scandal would affect your usefulness here. If things can be patched up, well and good. If not, well then they can’t. If this thing gets talked about much, you know that there will be no hope of your coming back here. I don’t suppose you would be willing to give her up?”

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