The Gilded Age by Mark Twain and Charles Dudley Warner

put the dead away and come back to our place in the ranks to march in the

pilgrimage of life again.

And now the sun rose once more and ushered in the first day of what Laura

comprehended and accepted as a new life.

The past had sunk below the horizon, and existed no more for her;

she was done with it for all time. She was gazing out over the trackless

expanses of the future, now, with troubled eyes. Life must be begun

again–at eight and twenty years of age. And where to begin? The page

was blank, and waiting for its first record; so this was indeed a

momentous day.

Her thoughts drifted back, stage by stage, over her career. As far as

the long highway receded over the plain of her life, it was lined with

the gilded and pillared splendors of her ambition all crumbled to ruin

and ivy-grown; every milestone marked a disaster; there was no green spot

remaining anywhere in memory of a hope that had found its fruition; the

unresponsive earth had uttered no voice of flowers in testimony that one

who was blest had gone that road.

Her life had been a failure. That was plain, she said. No more of that.

She would now look the future in the face; she would mark her course upon

the chart of life, and follow it; follow it without swerving, through

rocks and shoals, through storm and calm, to a haven of rest and peace or

shipwreck. Let the end be what it might, she would mark her course now–

to-day–and follow it.

On her table lay six or seven notes. They were from lovers; from some of

the prominent names in the land; men whose devotion had survived even the

grisly revealments of her character which the courts had uncurtained;

men who knew her now, just as she was, and yet pleaded as for their lives

for the dear privilege of calling the murderess wife.

As she read these passionate, these worshiping, these supplicating

missives, the woman in her nature confessed itself; a strong yearning

came upon her to lay her head upon a loyal breast and find rest from the

conflict of life, solace for her griefs, the healing of love for her

bruised heart.

With her forehead resting upon her hand, she sat thinking, thinking,

while the unheeded moments winged their flight. It was one of those

mornings in early spring when nature seems just stirring to a half

consciousness out of a long, exhausting lethargy; when the first faint

balmy airs go wandering about, whispering the secret of the coming

change; when the abused brown grass, newly relieved of snow, seems

considering whether it can be worth the trouble and worry of contriving

its green raiment again only to fight the inevitable fight with the

implacable winter and be vanquished and buried once more; when the sun

shines out and a few birds venture forth and lift up a forgotten song;

when a strange stillness and suspense pervades the waiting air. It is a

time when one’s spirit is subdued and sad, one knows not why; when the

past seems a storm-swept desolation, life a vanity and a burden, and the

future but a way to death. It is a time when one is filled with vague

longings; when one dreams of flight to peaceful islands in the remote

solitudes of the sea, or folds his hands and says, What is the use of

struggling, and toiling and worrying any more? let us give it all up.

It was into such a mood as this that Laura had drifted from the musings

which the letters of her lovers had called up. Now she lifted her head

and noted with surprise how the day had wasted. She thrust the letters

aside, rose up and went and stood at the window. But she was soon

thinking again, and was only gazing into vacancy.

By and by she turned; her countenance had cleared; the dreamy look was

gone out of her face, all indecision had vanished; the poise of her head

and the firm set of her lips told that her resolution was formed.

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Categories: Twain, Mark