The Glimpses Of The Moon By Edith Wharton

With an intenser precision he saw again Susy’s descent from the gondola at the calle steps, the sound of her laughter and of Strefford’s chaff, the way she had caught his arm and clung to it, sweeping the other men on in her train. Strefford–Susy and Strefford! … More than once, Nick had noticed the softer inflections of his friend’s voice when he spoke to Susy, the brooding look in his lazy eyes when they rested on her. In the security of his wedded bliss Nick had made light of those signs. The only real jealousy he had felt had been of Fred Gillow, because of his unlimited power to satisfy a woman’s whims. Yet Nick knew that such material advantages would never again suffice for Susy. With Strefford it was different. She had delighted in his society while he was notoriously ineligible; might not she find him irresistible now?

The forgotten terms of their bridal compact came back to Nick: the absurd agreement on which he and Susy had solemnly pledged their faith. But was it so absurd, after all? It had been Susy’s suggestion (not his, thank God!); and perhaps in making it she had been more serious than he imagined. Perhaps, even if their rupture had not occurred, Strefford’s sudden honours might have caused her to ask for her freedom ….

Money, luxury, fashion, pleasure: those were the four cornerstones of her existence. He had always known it–she herself had always acknowledged it, even in their last dreadful talk together; and once he had gloried in her frankness. How could he ever have imagined that, to have her fill of these things, she would not in time stoop lower than she had yet stooped? Perhaps in giving her up to Strefford he might be saving her. At any rate, the taste of the past was now so bitter to him that he was moved to thank whatever gods there were for pushing that mortuary paragraph under his eye ….

“Susy, dear [he wrote], the fates seem to have taken our future in hand, and spared us the trouble of unravelling it. If I have sometimes been selfish enough to forget the conditions on which you agreed to marry me, they have come back to me during these two days of solitude. You’ve given me the best a man can have, and nothing else will ever be worth much to me. But since I haven’t the ability to provide you with what you want, I recognize that I’ve no right to stand in your way. We must owe no more Venetian palaces to underhand services. I see by the newspapers that Streff can now give you as many palaces as you want. Let him have the chance–I fancy he’ll jump at it, and he’s the best man in sight. I wish I were in his shoes.

“I’ll write again in a day or two, when I’ve collected my wits, and can give you an address. NICK.”

He added a line on the subject of their modest funds, put the letter into an envelope, and addressed it to Mrs. Nicholas Lansing. As he did so, he reflected that it was the first time he had ever written his wife’s married name.

“Well–by God, no other woman shall have it after her,” he vowed, as he groped in his pocketbook for a stamp.

He stood up with a stretch of weariness–the heat was stifling! –and put the letter in his pocket.

“I’ll post it myself, it’s safer,” he thought; “and then what in the name of goodness shall I do next, I wonder?” He jammed his hat down on his head and walked out into the sun-blaze.

As he was turning away from the square by the general Post Office, a white parasol waved from a passing cab, and Coral Hicks leaned forward with outstretched hand. “I knew I’d find you,” she triumphed. “I’ve been driving up and down in this broiling sun for hours, shopping and watching for you at the same time.”

He stared at her blankly, too bewildered even to wonder how she knew he was in Genoa; and she continued, with the kind of shy imperiousness that always made him feel, in her presence, like a member of an orchestra under a masterful baton; “Now please get right into this carriage, and don’t keep me roasting here another minute.” To the cabdriver she called out: Al porto.”

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Categories: Edith Wharton