The Great Train Robery by Crichton, Michael

At the van, a ramp was swung down, and the porters joined together to push first one, and then the other, of the laden flatcarts up into the van, to the waiting safes.

Next an official of the bank, a well-rigged gent with an air of authority, appeared with two keys in his hand. Soon after, McPherson’s uncle, the dispatcher, arrived with a second pair of keys. His uncle and the bank’s man inserted their keys in the safes and opened them.

The bullion strongboxes were loaded into the safes, and the doors were shut with a massive metal clang that echoed in the interior of the luggage van. The keys were twisted in the locks; the safes were secured.

The man from the bank took his keys and departed. McPherson’s uncle pocketed his keys and came over to his nephew.

“Mind your work this morning,” he said. “Open every parcel large enough to hold a knave, and no exception.” He sniffed the air. “What’s that ungodly stink?”

McPherson nodded over his shoulder to the girl and the coffin, a short distance away. It was a pitiful sight but his uncle frowned with no trace of compassion. “Scheduled for the morning train, is it?”

“Yes, Uncle.”

“See that you open it,” . the dispatcher said, and turned away.

“But, Uncle—” McPherson began, thinking he would lose his newly gained favor with the girl by insisting on such a thing.

The dispatcher stopped. “No stomach for it? Dear God, you’re a delicate one.” He scanned the youth’s agonized face, misinterpreting his discomfiture. “All right, then. I’m near enough to death that it holds no terrors for me. Ill see to it myself.” And the dispatcher strode off toward the weeping girl and her coffin. McPherson trailed reluctantly behind.

It was at that moment that they heard an electrifying, ghastly sound: the ringing of Mr. Bateson’s patented bell.


In later courtroom testimony, Pierce explained the psychology behind the plan. “Any guard watches for certain happenings, which he suspects at any moment, and lies in wait for. I knew the railway guard suspected some fakement to smuggle a living body onto the van. Now, a vigilant guard will know a coffin can easily hold a body; he will suspect it less, because it seems such a poor trick for smuggling. It is too obvious.

“Yet, he will likely wonder if the body is truly dead, and if he is vigilant he will call to have the box opened, and spend some moments making a thorough examination of the body to insure that it is dead. He may feel the pulse, or the warmth of the flesh, or he may stick a pin here or there. Now, no living soul scan pass such an examination without detection.

“But how different it is if all believe that the body is not dead, but alive, and wrongly incarcerated. Now all emotions are reversed: instead of suspicion, there is hope the body is vital. Instead of a solemn and respectful opening of the casket, there is a frantic rush to break it free, and in this the relatives join in willingly, sure proof there is nothing to hide.

“And then, when the lid is raised and the decomposed remains come to light, how different is the response of the spectators. Their desperate hopes are dashed in an instant; the cruel and ghastly truth is immediately apparent at a moment’s glance, and warrants no prolonged investigation. The relatives are bitterly disappointed and wildly distraught. The lid is quickly closed— and all because of reversed expectations. This is simple human nature, as evidenced in every ordinary man.”


At the sound of the bell, which rang only once, and briefly, the sobbing girl let out a shriek. At the same instant, the dispatcher and his nephew broke into a run, quickly covering the short distance to the coffin.

By then the girl was in a state of profound hysteria, clawing at the coffin lid with her fingers, mindless that her efforts were ineffectual. “Oh, my dear brother— oh, Richard, dear Richard— oh, God, he lives…” Her fingers scrabbled at the wooden surface, and her tugging rocked the coffin so that the bell rang continuously.

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Categories: Crichton, Michael