The Great Train Robery by Crichton, Michael

A woman’s legal position was already the subject of active attempts at reform; but at this time women did not have the right to vote, to own property, or to make wills, and the earnings of any married woman who was separated from her husband were still legally the property of her husband. Although the law treated women as near idiots and appeared overwhelmingly to favor men, there were some odd quirks, as Taggert discovered soon enough.

In 1847, the police raided Mary Maxwell Taggert’s coining operation, catching her red-handed in the midst of stamping out sixpence pieces. She greeted the raid with equanimity, announced pleasantly that she was married and told the police the whereabouts of her husband.

By law, a husband was responsible for any criminal activities of his wife. It was assumed that such activity must be the result of the husband’s planning and execution, in which the wife was a mere— and perhaps unwilling— participant.

In July, 1847, Andrew Taggert was arrested and convicted of counterfeiting currency and sentenced to eight years in Bridewell Prison; Mary Maxwell was released without so much as a reprimand. She is said to have displayed “a roistering, bantering demeanour” in the courtroom at the time of her husband’s sentencing.

Taggert served three years, and was given a ticket-of-leave and allowed to depart. Afterward it was said the steel had gone out of him, a common consequence of a prison term; he no longer had the energy or the confidence to be a magsman, and turned to hoof-snafffing, or horse stealing. By 1854, he was a familiar face in the flash sporting pubs frequented by turfites; he was said to have been involved in the scandal of 1853 in which a four-year-old was passed off as a three-year-old in the Derby. No one was certain but, as a known prad prig, he was thought to have engineered the theft of the most famous prad of recent years: Silver Whistle, a three-year-old from Derbyshire.

Pierce met him in the King’s Arms with a most peculiar suggestion, and Taggert gulped his gin as he said, “You want to snaffle a what?”

“A leopard,” Pierce said.

“Now, where’s an honest man like me to find a leopard?” Taggert said.

“I wouldn’t know,” Pierce said.

“Never in my life,” Taggert said, “would I know of any leopard, excepting the bestiaries here and there, which have all manner of beasts.”

“That’s so,” Pierce said calmly.

“Is it to be christened?”

Now this was a particularly difficult problem. Taggert was an expert christener— a man who could conceal the fact that goods were stolen. He could disguise the markings of a horse so that even its owner would not recognize it. But christening a leopard might be harder.

“No,” Pierce said. “I can take it as you have it.”

“Won’t gull nobody.”

“It doesn’t have to.”

“What’s it for, then?”

Pierce gave Taggert a particularly severe look and did not reply.

“No harm in asking,” Taggert said. “It’s not every day a man gets asked to snaffle a leopard, so I ask why— no harm intended.”

“It is a present,” Pierce said, “for a lady.”

“Ah, a lady.”

“On the Continent”

“Ah, on the Continent”

“In Paris.”


Taggert looked him up and down. Pierce was well dressed. “You could buy one right enough,” he said. “Cost you just as dear as buying from me.”

“I made you a business proposition.”

“So you did, and a proper one, too, but you didn’t mention the joeys for me. You just mention you want a knapped leopard.”

“I’ll pay you twenty guineas.”

“Cor, you’ll pay me forty and count yourself lucky.”

“I’ll pay you twenty-five and you’ll count yourself lucky,” Pierce said.

Taggert looked unhappy. He twisted his gin glass in his hands. “All right, then,” he said. “When’s it to be?”

“Never you mind,” Pierce said. “You find the animal and set the lay, and you’ll hear from me soon enough.” And he dropped a gold guinea on the counter.

Taggert picked it up, bit it, nodded, and touched his cap. “Good day to you, sir,” he said.

“Good day,” Pierce said

Chapter 23

The Jolly Gaff

The twentieth-century urban dweller’s attitude of fear or indifference to a crime in progress would have astounded the Victorians. In those days, any person being robbed or mugged immediately raised a hue and cry, and the victim both expected and got an immediate response from law-abiding citizens around him, who joined in the fray with alacrity in an attempt to catch the bolting villain. Even ladies of breeding were known, upon occasion, to participate in a fracas with enthusiasm.

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Categories: Crichton, Michael