The Hammer and The Cross by Harry Harrison. Chapter 3, 4, 5

“And there may they never come,” added the immense man who had saved them. He bobbed his head to Thorvin with odd respect, even deference, looked Shef up and down. “That was bold, young swain. But you have irked a mighty man. I too. But for me it has been long in the coming. If you need me again, Thorvin, call. You know that since I took the news to the Braethraborg the Ragnarssons have kept me with them. How long that will last now that I have shown my hammer, I do not know. But in any case I am growing tired of Ivar’s hounds.”

He strolled away.

“Who was that?” asked Shef.

“A great champion, from Halogaland in Norway. He is called Viga-Brand. Brand the Killer.”

“And he is a friend of yours?”

“A friend of the Way. A friend of Thor. And so of smiths.”

I do not know what I have got into, thought Shef to himself. But I must not forget why I am here. Unwillingly his eyes drifted away from the enclosure where Hund still stood, toward the danger-center, the southern river-wall of the Viking base, the encampment of the Ragnarssons. She must be there, he thought suddenly. Godive.

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Categories: Harrison, Harry