The Hand Of Oberon by Roger Zelazny. Part five

“That’s right,” I said. “She did. I was there, too.”

He nodded.

“As I said. Random had impressed me. I was inclined to believe he was telling the truth. If this were so, then it was possible that you were also. Granting this, I had to pursue the matter of the girl’s allegations. You were not available, so I came to Ganelon-this was several days ago-and had him tell me everything he knew about Dara.”

I glanced at Ganelon, who inclined his head slightly.

“So you now believe you have uncovered a new relative,” I said, “a mendacious one, to be sure, and quite possibly an enemy-but a relative, nevertheless. What is your next move?”

He took a sip of wine.

“I would like to believe in the relationship,” he said. “The notion somehow pleases me. So I would like to establish it or negate it to a certainty. If it turns out that we are indeed related, then I would like to understand the motives behind her actions. And I would like to learn why she never made her existence known to me directly.”

He put down his glass, raised his new hand and flexed the fingers.

“So I would like to begin,” he continued, “by learning of those things you experienced in Tir-na Nog’th which apply to me and to Dara. I am also extremely curious about this hand, which behaves as if it were made for me. I have never heard of a physical object being obtained in the city in the sky.”

He made a fist, unclenched it, rotated the wrist, extended the arm, raised it, lowered it gently to his knee.

“Random performed a very effective piece of surgery, don’t you think?” he concluded.

“Very,” I agreed.

“So, will you tell me the story?”

I nodded and took a sip of my wine.

“It was in the palace in the sky that it occurred,” I said. “The place was filled with inky, shifting shadows. I felt impelled to visit the throne room. I did this, and when the shadows moved aside, I saw you standing to the right of the throne, wearing that arm. When things cleared further, I saw Dara seated upon the throne. I advanced and touched her with Grayswandir, which made me visible to her. She declared me dead these several centuries and bade me return to my grave. When I demanded her lineage, she said she was descended of you and of the hellmaid Lintra.”

Benedict drew a deep breath but said nothing. I continued:

“Time, she said, moved at such a different rate in the place of her birth, that several generations had passed there. She was the first of them possessed of regular human attributes. She again bade me depart. During this time, you had been studying Grayswandir. You struck then to remove her from danger, and we fought. My blade could reach you and your hand could reach me. That was all. Otherwise, it was a confrontation of ghosts. As the sun began to rise and the city to fade, you had me in a grip with that hand. I struck it free of the arm with Grayswandir and escaped. It was returned with me because it was still clasping my shoulder.”

“Curious,” Benedict said. “I have known that place to render false prophecies-the fears and hidden desires of the visitor, rather than a true picture of what is to be. But then, it often reveals unknown truths as well. And as in most other things, it is difficult to separate the valid from the spurious. How did you read it?”

“Benedict,” I said, “I am inclined to believe the story of her origin. You have never seen her, but I have. She does resemble you in some ways. As for the rest . . . it is doubtless as you said-that which is left after the truth has been separated out.”

He nodded slowly, and I could tell that he was not convinced but did not want to push the matter. He knew as well as I did what the rest implied. If he were to pursue his claim to the throne and succeed in achieving it, it was possible that he might one day step aside in favor of his only descendant.

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