The Hand Of Oberon by Roger Zelazny. Part five

We were on the ground floor of the palace in Amber, in the sitting room to which we had all adjourned on the night of Brand’s return. It seemed to be early morning. There was a fire going on the grate. No one else was present.

“I tried to reach you earlier,” he said. “I think Brand did, too. But I can’t be sure.”

“How long have I been away?”

“Eight days,” he said.

“Glad I hurried. What’s happening?”

“Nothing untoward,” he said. “I do not know what Brand wants. He kept asking for you, and I could not reach you. Finally, I gave him a deck and told him to see whether he could do any better. Apparently, he could not.”

“I was distracted,” I said, “and the time-flow differential was bad.”

He nodded.

“I have been avoiding him now that he is out of danger. He is in one of his black moods again, and he insists he can take care of himself. He is right, in that, and it is just as well.”

“Where is he now?”

“Back in his own quarters, and he was still there as of perhaps an hour ago-brooding.”

“Has he been out at all?”

“A few brief walks. But not for the past several days.”

“I guess I had best go see him then. Any word on Random?”

“Yes,” he said. “Benedict returned several days ago. He said they had found a number of leads concerning Random’s son. He helped him check on a couple of them. One led further, but Benedict felt he had best not be away from Amber for too long, things being as uncertain as they are. So he left Random to continue the search on his own. He gained something in the venture, though. He came back sporting an artificial arm-a beautiful piece of work. He can do anything with it that he could before.”

“Really?” I said. “It sounds strangely familiar.”

He smiled, nodded.

“He told me you had brought it back for him from Tir-na Nog’th. In fact, he wants to speak with you about it as soon as possible.”

“I’ll bet,” I said. “Where is he now?”

“At one of the outposts he has established along the black road. You would have to reach him by Trump.”

“Thanks,” I said. “Anything further on Julian or Fiona?”

He shook his head.

“All right,” I said, turning toward the door. “I guess I will go see Brand first.”

“I am curious to know what it is that he wants,” he said.

“I will remember that,” I told him. I left the room and headed for the stairs.

Chapter 7

I rapped on Brand’s door.

“Come in, Corwin,” he said.

I did, deciding as I crossed the threshold that I would not ask him how he had known who it was. His room was a gloomy place, candles burning despite the fact that it was daytime and he had four windows. The shutters were closed on three of them. The fourth was only part way open. Brand stood beside this one, staring out toward the sea. He was dressed all in black velvet with a silver chain about his neck. His belt was also of silver-a fine, linked affair. He played with a small dagger, and did not look at me as I entered. He was still pale, but his beard was neatly trimmed and he looked well scrubbed and a bit heavier than he had when last I had seen him.

“You are looking better,” I said. “How are you feeling?”

He turned and regarded me, expressionless, his eyes half-closed.

“Where the hell have you been?” he said.

“Hither and yon. What did you want to see me about?”

“I asked you where you’ve been.”

“And I heard you,” I said, reopening the door behind me. “Now I am going to go out and come back in. Supposing we start this conversation over again?”

He sighed.

“Wait a minute. I am sorry,” he said. “Why are we all so thin-skinned? I do not know. . . . All right. It may be better if I do start over again.”

He sheathed his dagger and crossed to sit in a heavy chair of black wood and leather.

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Categories: Zelazny, Roger