The Hand Of Oberon by Roger Zelazny. Part six

I helped him to his feet. Then we both seated ourselves on the stone. For a long while, we did not say anything. I looked again and Tir-na Nog’th was gone.

I thought back over everything that had happened, so fast, so sudden, that day. A great weight of weariness lay upon me now, and I felt that my energies must be at their end, that shortly I must sleep. I could scarcely think straight. Life had simply been too crowded recently. I leaned my back against the stone once more, regarding cloud and star. The pieces . . . the pieces which it seemed should fit, if only the proper jiggle, twist, or flip were applied. . . . They were jiggling, twisting, and flipping now, almost of their own accord. . . .

“Is he dead, do you think?” Benedict asked, pulling me back from a half-dream of emerging forms.

“Probably,” I said. “He was in bad shape when things fell apart.”

“It was a long way down. He might have had time to work some escape along the lines of his arrival.”

“Right now it, does not really matter,” I said. “You’ve drawn his fangs.”

Benedict grunted. He was still holding the Jewel, a much dimmer red than it had been so recently.

“True,” he finally said. “The Pattern is safe now. I wish . . . I wish that some time, long ago, something had not been said that was said, or something done that was not done. Something, had we known, which might have let him grow differently, something which would have seen him become another man than the bitter, bent thing I saw up there. It is best now if he is dead. But it is a waste of something that might have been.”

I did not answer him. What he had said might or might not be right. It did not matter. Brand might have been borderline psychotic, whatever that means, and then again maybe not. There is always a reason. Whenever anything has been mucked up, whenever anything outrageous happens, there is a reason for it. you still have a mucked-up, outrageous situation on your hands, however, and explaining it does not alleviate it one bit. If someone does something really rotten, there is a reason for it. Learn it, if you care, and you learn why he is a son of a bitch. The fact is the thing that remains, though. Brand had acted. It changed nothing to run a posthumous psychoanalysis. Acts and their consequences are the things by which our fellows judge us. Anything else, and all that you get is a cheap feeling of moral superiority by thinking how you would have done something nicer if it had been you. So as for the rest, leave it to heaven. I’m not qualified.

“We had best get back to Amber,” Benedict said, “There are a great number of things that must be done.”

“Wait,” I said.


“I’ve been thinking.”

When I did not elaborate, he finally said, “And . . .?”

I riffled slowly through my Trumps, replacing his, replacing Brand’s.

“Haven’t you wondered yet about the new arm you wear?” I asked him.

“Of course. You brought it from Tir-na Nog’th, under unusual circumstances. It fits. It works. It proved itself tonight.”

“Exactly. Isn’t the last a lot of weight to dump on poor coincidence? The one weapon that gave you a chance up there, against the Jewel. And it just happened to be a part of you-and you just happened to be the person who was up there, to use it? Trace things back and trace them forward again. Isn’t there an extraordinary-no, preposterous-chain of coincidences involved?”

“When you put it that way. . .” he said.

“I do. And you must realize as well as I do that there has to be more to it than that.”

“All right. Say that. But how? How was it done?”

“I have no idea,” I said, withdrawing the card I had not looked upon in a long, long while, feeling its coldness beneath my finger tips, “but the method is not important. You asked the wrong question.”

“What should I have asked?”

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Categories: Zelazny, Roger