THE HERITAGE OF HASTUR by Marion Zimmer Bradley

When it had been brought and Dom Felix had drunk a little, Regis sat beside him, near the cold hearth.

“Lord Regis, your pardon . ..”

“None needed. You have been sorely tried, sir.”

“Rafael . . .”

“Sir, as my father held your elder son dear, I tell you Danilo’s safety and honor are as dear to me as my own.” He looked up as the Guardsmen came into the hall. “What news, Gabriel?”

“We looked over the ground where he was taken. The ground was trampled and he had laid about him with his dagger.”

“Hawking, he had no other weapon.”

“They cut off sheath and all.” Gabriel handed Dom Felix the weapon. He drew it forth a little way, saw the Hastur crest on it. He said, “Dom Regis—”

“We swore an oath,” said Regis, drawing Danilo’s dagger from his own sheath where he wore it, “and exchanged blades, in token of it.” He took the dagger with the Hastur crest, saying, “I will bear this to restore to him. Did you see anything else, Gabriel?”

One of the Guardsmen said, “I found this on the ground, torn off in the fight. He must have fought valiantly for a young lad outnumbered.” He held out a long, heavy cloak of thick colorless wool, bound with leather buckles and straps. It was much cut and slashed. Dom Felix sat up a little and said, “That fashion of cloak has not been worn in the Domains in my lifetime; I believe they wear them still in the Hellers. And it is lined with marl-fur; it came from somewhere beyond the river. Mountain bandits wore such cloaks. But why Dani? We are not rich enough to ransom him, nor important enough to make him valuable as a hostage.”

Regis thought grimly that Dyan’s men came from the Hellers. Aloud he said only, “Mountain men act for whoever pays them well. Have you enemies, Dom Felix?”

“No. I have dwelt in peace, farming my acres, for fifteen years.” The old man sounded stunned. He looked at Regis and said, “My lord, if you are sick—”

“No matter,” Regis said. “Dom Felix, I pledge you by the oath no Hastur may break that I shall find out who has done this to you, and restore Dani to you, or my own life stand for it.” He laid his hand over the old man’s for a moment. Then he straightened and said, “One of the Guardsmen shall remain here, to look after your lands in your son’s absence. Gabriel, you ride back with the escort to Thendara and carry this news to Kennard Alton. And show him this cloak; he may know where in the Hellers it was woven.” “Regis, I have orders to take you to Neskaya.” “In good time. This must come first,” Regis said. “You are a Hastur, Gabriel, if only by marriage-right, and your sons are Hastur heirs. The honor of Hastur is your honor, too, and Danilo is my sworn man.”

His brother-in-law looked at him, visibly wavering. There were good things about being heir to a Domain, Regis decided like having your orders obeyed without question. He said impatiently, “I shall remain here to bear my friend’s father company, or wait at Edelweiss.”

“You cannot stay here unguarded,” Gabriel said at last. “Unlike Dani, you are rich enough for ransom, and important enough for a hostage.” He stood near enough to Comyn to be undecided. “I should send a Guardsman with you to Edelweiss,” he said. Regis protested angrily. “I am not a child! Must I have a nanny trotting at my heels to ride three miles?”

Gabriel’s own older sons were beginning to chafe at the necessity of being guarded night and day. Finally Gabriel said, “Regis, look at me. You were placed in my care. Pledge me your word of honor to ride directly to Edelweiss, without turning aside from your road unless you meet armed men, and you may ride alone.”

Regis promised and. taking his leave of Dom Felix, rode away. As he rode toward Edelweiss, he thought, a little triumphantly, that he had actually outwitted Gabriel. A more experienced officer would have allowed him, perhaps, to ride to Edelweiss on his promise to go directly . . . but he would also have made Regis give his pledge not to depart from there without leave!

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