The House of Mirth By Edith Wharton

“Pretty well done–well, yes, I suppose it was: Welly Bry’s got his back up and don’t mean to let go till he’s got the hang of the thing. Of course, there were things here and there–things Mrs. Fisher couldn’t be expected to see to–the champagne wasn’t cold, and the coats got mixed in the coat-room. I would have spent more money on the music. But that’s my character: if I want a thing I’m willing to pay: I don’t go up to the counter, and then wonder if the article’s worth the price. I wouldn’t be satisfied to entertain like the Welly Brys; I’d want something that would look more easy and natural, more as if I took it in my stride. And it takes just two things to do that, Miss Bart: money, and the right woman to spend it.”

He paused, and examined her attentively while she affected to rearrange the tea-cups.

“I’ve got the money,” he continued, clearing his throat, “and what I want is the woman–and I mean to have her too.”

He leaned forward a little, resting his hands on the head of his walking-stick. He had seen men of Ned Van Alstyne’s type bring their hats and sticks into a drawing-room, and he thought it added a touch of elegant familiarity to their appearance.

Lily was silent, smiling faintly, with her eyes absently resting on his face. She was in reality reflecting that a declaration would take some time to make, and that Selden must surely appear before the moment of refusal had been reached. Her brooding look, as of a mind withdrawn yet not averted, seemed to Mr. Rosedale full of a subtle encouragement. He would not have liked any evidence of eagerness.

“I mean to have her too,” he repeated, with a laugh intended to strengthen his self-assurance. “I generally have got what I wanted in life, Miss Bart. I wanted money, and I’ve got more than I know how to invest; and now the money doesn’t seem to be of any account unless I can spend it on the right woman. That’s what I want to do with it: I want my wife to make all the other women feel small. I’d never grudge a dollar that was spent on that. But it isn’t every woman can do it, no matter how much you spend on her. There was a girl in some history book who wanted gold shields, or something, and the fellows threw ’em at her, and she was crushed under ’em: they killed her. Well, that’s true enough: some women looked buried under their jewelry. What I want is a woman who’ll hold her head higher the more diamonds I put on it. And when I looked at you the other night at the Brys’, in that plain white dress, looking as if you had a crown on, I said to myself:’By gad, if she had one she’d wear it as if it grew on her.'”

Still Lily did not speak, and he continued, warming with his theme: “Tell you what it is, though, that kind of woman costs more than all the rest of ’em put together. If a woman’s going to ignore her pearls, they want to be better than anybody else’s–and so it is with everything else. You know what I mean–you know it’s only the showy things that are cheap. Well, I should want my wife to be able to take the earth for granted if she wanted to. I know there’s one thing vulgar about money, and that’s the thinking about it; and my wife would never have to demean herself in that way.” He paused, and then added, with an unfortunate lapse to an earlier manner: “I guess you know the lady I’ve got in view, Miss Bart.”

Lily raised her head, brightening a little under the challenge. Even through the dark tumult of her thoughts, the clink of Mr. Rosedale’s millions had a faintly seductive note. Oh, for enough of them to cancel her one miserable debt! But the man behind them grew increasingly repugnant in the light of Selden’s expected coming. The contrast was too grotesque: she could scarcely suppress the smile it provoked. She decided that directness would be best.

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Categories: Edith Wharton